About Kundalini Within

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent



Menu Types

Nourishing, fresh, yummy, healthy, delicious, organic. Just a few words to describe the food you will have the absolute pleasure to indulge in during this week.

Getting Here

Location icon Kundalini Within, Alya Retreat Center, San Juanillo 1km south. 1,8km east, Guanacaste Province, San Juanillo, 50602, Costa Rica


The retreat center is located on a secluded 19-acre property on the Nicoya peninsula in Costa Rica which is considered a Blue Zone. Nestled in the beautiful natural forest environment, Retreat Center offers a facility designed to heal, cleanse and rejuvenate. The Retreat Center is a tropical oasis in Guanacaste, only 2.5 kilometers away from the beach. We offer a daily shuttle to the beach for free. Located 2.7 kilometers from San Juanillo and 17 kilometers from Nosara, traveling can be achieved by flying into Liberia International Airport, which is approximately two hours away, or through San Jose, which is five hours away.

Customer Reviews

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Mission & Vision

To spread and share Kundaliniyoga.

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