About Jessica Summers Hypnogenics

Venue & Amenities

This online retreat takes place wherever you choose it to. TRUE GRIT is a 28 day inner journey, where you are fully supported by me and your peers.

Getting Here

Location icon Jessica Summers Hypnogenics, At your own home (or the location of your choice).

Customer Reviews

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Mission & Vision

Hi, I\'m Jessica. And I am here to reflect your brilliance. You don’t need to look for anyone or anything to tell you what to do or how to be - you have everything within. YOU are the leader the world needs now. And you don’t have to become a person you despise. You just have to commit to being you.

It’s a hard path to tread when you can’t feel free to be yourself. We think that if we just learn more, do more, get better, we will finally have what we’re looking for. But all of this is a distraction.

You don’t need to get better at anything. It really is ridiculously simple to become the perfect expression of you. The manual you have been waiting for your whole life is inside you. My mission is to show you how to let go and become all of you.