About Ayahuasca - Vibra Alto!

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
A beautiful finca in the mountains very close to Medellín


Menu Types

We offer light vegetarian/vegan meals but also food with meat in it. We are very considerate with personal eating habits and allergies. Just tell us please!

Getting Here

Location icon Ayahuasca - Vibra Alto!, Medellín, Antioquia, CO, 050006


We are going to create a private WhatsApp Group for you and our team and give you the address of our Healing Space. From Medellín as well as from the airport it is easy to get there. :)

Customer Reviews

No reviews available.

Mission & Vision

The mission of Javier and his team is to both heal the physical, mental, and spiritual suffering of individual people and the community, as well as to maintain a communication link between the human and spiritual realms. Javier as a shaman has a strong energy and presence combined with a big and humble heart. He is tasked with helping to bring balance and harmony within the community, and ensure the continued health and wellbeing of the people. Javier has a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life, and uses his gift to help others in a loving and compassionate way. He is a skilled healer, bridging the gap between the physical and the spiritual world. He is familiar with his local environment and understands how natural medicine and remedies can help heal!