About Kali Fasting Retreat

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Communal places: kitchen, living room, yoga room, treatment room, sauna, terrace, swimming pool. A large and spacious garden surrounds the house.


Twice a day we offer fruit/vegetable juice made of varied ingredients, such as salad leaves, beetroot, carrot, celery, purple cabbage, pepper, tomato, sandthorn, and pumpkin.

Getting Here

Location icon Kali Fasting Retreat, Szentbékkálla, Toldi utca 5, 8281 Hungary


Free airport transfer is provided for our guests from Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport (BUD) both ways.

Customer Reviews

No reviews available.

Mission & Vision

Fasting. One of the most ancient healing/spiritual methods is being rediscovered.

A chance to explore your deepest inner strength, to get away from daily stress and re-energise yourself in a way you have never imagined.

Discover this life-changing power under medical supervision in Hungary\'s most renowned fasting resort with 23 years of experience. Enjoy the picturesque scenery, refreshing hiking, in-depth workshops, and luxurious body treatments (swedish, lymph and vacuum massage, body wrapping, thermal blankets).

Enhance the benefits of detox with daily yoga and sauna sessions, spa visit and unlimited BEMER vascular therapy.

All included.

Make a new step, you won\'t regret it.