About Ziru Yai Ayahuasca Retreats

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
Venue & Amenities
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Kitchen icon Kitchen
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Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
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Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Traditional wooden jungle construction, we have 2 cabins with rooms for lodging, one of them is very close to the river, ideal for those who like the sound of water when sleeping and easy access to the natural pool of the river at any time; the other is a little further from the river, starting to climb the mountain, a quieter place where you can appreciate other nuances of nature, with organic crops of cassava and banana that we consume on site, we are surrounded by beautiful landscapes.



Menu Types

Abundant, local, exotic, nutritious, river fish, most of the food is organic from our plantations and those of our neighbors, delicious and healthy for the diet with medicine.

Getting Here

Location icon Ziru Yai Ayahuasca Retreats, Villagarzón, Putumayo, Colombia


Jungle Paradise is the place t we have been protecting for meany years, and it is the birthplace of yage where our retreats take place. It is located one hour into the jungle from Villagarzón in the state of Putumayo, in the Colombian Amazon. Travel involves a flight, and guided jungle transport. Bring a comfortable jungle bag for hiking! In order to travel to Jungle Paradise you will need to take the following steps. 1) Flight into Bogota We reccommend staying overnight in Bogota before flying into Villagarzón as the local flight that comes to Putumayo might be the only flight in the world that sometimes unexpectedly leaves four hours earlier than planned! 2) Flight into Villagarzon This is a local Colombian flight. The airline to buy this flight is called Satena. The flight leaves from a local terminal in Bogota. Usually the flights of this airline depart from Terminal 2 (T2), previously called Terminal Puente Aéreo of the El Dorado airport. 3) Drive into the jungle We will provide transport for your group into the jungle from Villagarzon. While there is a community bus, we do not recommend it for first-time travelers although you can use it to visit the town during a longer stay after you are here.

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Mission & Vision

For more than 30 years, ZiruYai has been dedicated to the conservation of the jungle and to weaving the ancestral wisdom of the sacred plants of America with the world, caring for and respecting the ancient tradition of these medicines and ceremonies for the healing and evolution of humanity.