Sacred Colibri Divine Healing Retreat is the most advanced Heaking Center offering traditional Shipibo Natural Medicine and daily Yoga, Inner Work advanced healing technique for self evolution, set in the natural surroundings close to the city of Pucallpa, Peru.The Eco Resort hosting the Retreat offers you the possibiliy to combine comfortable holidays with private accommodation in superior comfortable rooms and receive the traditional Shipibo Natural healing, taking part to Ayahuasca Ceremonies, dietas de plantas, master plant remedies.Healing with Ayahuasca can restore and heal your life, helping you to get deeper understanding and achieving your desired life goals. You will be guided during the daily healing events so that you will be healed and balance and success in your life wil be restored.Some joined our retreats to discover the healing effects of Ayahuasca, some already knowing the potential of the plant medicine decided to stay with us to complete their personal evolution and others were able through the Ayahuasca ceremonies to overcome life blockages and heal their bodies.The Inner and Energy work we offer is the most advanced and we offer Yin Yoga and Nidra Yoga to facilitate the integration of the healing on consciousness and body, going though very effective daily Inner Work, which is our unique healing system, developed in cooperation with Sanken Sani our Shipibo Shaman and Vera Luz expert healer and Yoga facilitator. Music will be a central key for facilitating the healing and restore Harmony and Resonance within our body and consciousness, releasing inner resistances and old outgrown features influencing our response and flow through life.You will be then able to rejoice life with a new perspective, through detoxification your body and soul will feel great and you will gain new strength and motivation for your life. The Retreat will support you in realizing deep and effective healing of all inner and outer areas of your life.In our Retreat expert traditional Shipibo and experienced modern healers will guide you for this self discovering healing holiday, using their ancestral knowledge and healing skills for psyche and body, so that you will be aligned and become harmonious again. The Master of Ceremonies Sanken Sani will be directing the healing retreats, in the safe and very comfortable environment of the Amazonas natural surroundings of the Ucayali region, Pucallpa. Sanken Sani is a very experienced Shipibo Shaman and he is famous for his very effective healing using the icaros traditional songs and music. He is beloved for his very gentle, calm and sunny energy and lead many healing retreats, both in Peru and abroad. Sanken Sani decided to combine the healing properties of Inner Work, Sound Healing and Body Work integrating Yoga and selecting the cooperation of advanced Teachers for the Retreat, developing with them the healing program so to offer the most effective, advanced, therapeutic integrative techniques for psychological, emotional healing and evolutionary self enfolding.Inner Work will be the central practice used to integrate the healings of the ceremonies, our unique and committed spiritual work during the Retreat.The Inner Work will bring about physical, emotional, psychological healing, balance, restoration, detoxification and inspiration. The professionally lead daily Therapeutic Yoga, Yin Yoga, Nidra Yoga, Mindfulness meditations from Vipassana tradition, Inner Work and Sound Baths will be offered as practices to complete and integrate the healing, to relax you and restore you on a deeper level. The Eco Resort offers you a very comfortable stay, facilitating your relaxation and healing holiday enjoying the natural setting and a pleasant atmosphere with all comforts. You can use the relaxed area of the swimming pool for your healing holidayDIVINE HEALING with AYAHUASCA INNER WORK, SACRED PLANTS, YOGA, SOUND HEALING and MEDITATION11 DAYS RETREAT PROGRAMDay 1 We will transfer you from the airport of from the city of Pucallpa to the Retreat welcoming and time to check in your private room meeting and filling the questions form for evaluation and counselingWelcome dinner Day 2 MorningBreakfastintroduction to the Shipibo Healing Art and Plant Medicine and the Ceremonies with the Maestro de Ceremonias Sanken SaniLunchAfternoonMindfulness Meditation to discharge tensions and negativity and start the inner detoxificationYin Yoga and Sound Meditation to relax and prepare for the first Ayahuasca CeremonyAfternoon to ground in the natural garden's surrounding, relax, swim 8 pm meeting for the first Ayahuasca Ceremony, opening of the ceremony with singing of Icaroshealing songs and musicspiritual guidance, assistance and presence for your healing and safety will be provided ongoingduring the retreatThe first cerimony cleanse and detoxifies painlessly your physical body, preparing you to receive allfurther healing on soul, mind and enfolding spiritual healing Day 3 MorningBreakfastDiscussion about the first Ayahuasca experienceexplanations, healing feedback, spiritual insight, further counseling Baños de Flores Restorative Flower Bath with healing flowers, sacred plants for healing and restoring qualitiesthe selected flowers and the water of the Restorative Flower Bath are sang by shamans to transfer healing and qualities requested for your healing as in the traditional Shipibo Energy Healing Art the bath will restore qualities of your soul (removing infirmities, restoring lacking qualities, bringing healing and balance)LunchAfternoonMeditation with Sound Healing and Body Work for releasing tensions, detoxing and healing the nervous system, balancing and relaxationfree time enjoying the swimming pool and natural surroundingsunset Inner Work for setting healing intentions for the next ceremonyTeaching of the icaros shamanic healing songs and their use and meaning, how the songs guide you and give you healing and insightthe second ceremony will start healing emotions and will reveal the healing virtues of the mother plantDinner, evening time to relaxDay 4 Morning BreakfastBreathing technique and pranayama Meditation with Sound Healing and Nidra YogaLunchAfternoonpreparation for the second Ayahuasca Ceremonythe second ceremony it will become more clear how Ayahuasca work for your healingintroduction to Shipibo art in fabrics and jewellery as tools for the ceremoniesShipibo artifacts and jewellery are ceremonial tools, empowered objects for self empowerment,guidance and fabrics used in the Ceremonial 8 pm second Ayahuasca Ceremony Day 5 MorningBreakfastsecond Baño de Flores Restorative Flower Bath, traditional Shipibo energy healingLunchAfternoon to know the plantsDemonstration of herbs and introduction to the plant of Ayahuasca and other healing plantsInner Work Shipibo drawings and designs for healing purposeMindfulness Vipassana Meditation 90min to relax, reconnect, breathe, heal and release stressTime to relax in swimming pool areaEvening meeting to prepare for the ceremony and singing the icaros8 pm third Ayahuasca Ceremony Day 6 MorningBreakfastBaño de Flor Restorative Flower BathLunchearly afternoon free to swim, rest and relaxpurpose revision, writing of healing intentions, conscious personal preparation for the ayahuasca ceremonyInner Work before sunset Meditation with Sound Healing and Yin Yoga8pm fourth Ayahuasca Ceremony, singing of specific icaros guiding you and giving you deeper healing and insight Day 7 MorningBrunchExcursion to the Laguna Cocha de Yarina by boatsunset Therapeutic Yoga and Sound Healing to relax, balance, rejuvenate and integrate the healing effects of the ceremonyBreathing technique and pranayamaDay 8 MorningBreakfastBaños de Flores Restorative Flower Bath with healing flowers, sacred plantsLunch Afternoon Counseling, preparation for the seventh Ayahuasca CeremonyInner Work setting purposes for the healing session with planta madre, focusing on desired healing intentions, restorative requestsVipassana and Mindfulness practice to integrate the healingwalking, sitting and laying guided meditationYin Yoga and Sound meditation to balance and relax body8pm fifth Ayahuasca Ceremony, singing of specific icaros guiding you and giving you deeperhealing and insightDay 9 MorningBreakfastBaño de Flores, Flower BathLunchMeeting and counseling on the ayahuasca ceremony, feedback, questions, setting further healing intentions and receive consultationAfternoonNidra Yoga and Healing Sound Bath Inner work for preparation for evening ceremony, consultationfree time, you can choose to stay retreat or social, swim and sun bath 8 pm sixth Ayahuasca Ceremony Day 10 MorningBreakfast, time to sleep inBaño de Flores Restorative Flower BathLunchMindfulness Meditation and Pranayama to integrate the healingFree day to enjoy swimming pool, holiday relaxationMeeting before dinner with the healing group, Inner Work with Sound Healing for closing the retreatDinnerevening retreat relaxDay 11MorningBreakfast, transfer to airport you can stay in Pucallpa to visit the cityor the natural surroundings of Amazonas sites close to Pucallpa with trusted travel agencies
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