About Ayahuasca Foundation
Mission & Vision
We are a Peruvian non-profit organization that offers two and three week healing retreats at our healing center located inside a National Reserve in the Amazon Rainforest, eight week curandero initiation courses at a remote jungle school for traditional healing, and eight day retreats and four week empowerment courses at our new research center.
The Ayahuasca Foundation is dedicated to the preservation and continuation of the ancient science of plant spirit medicine. It is our mission to guard the sacred tree of spiritual knowledge that has grown in the Amazon Rainforest for millenia, and replant the seeds of spiritual awareness so that new trees of forgotten wisdom will again grow throughout the world. Hope fills our hearts with a vision of the earth filled with compassion and respect, but changes must be made… soon.
The Ayahuasca Foundation was conceived in the spring of 2008 by Carlos Tanner, an American and long-time student of curanderismo. The Foundation is the culmination of four years research and experimentation into how best to spread the ancient wisdom of Plant Spirit Medicine. Carlos has led healing retreats since 2004 and has assisted with the teaching of a six-week Ayahuasca Initiation Course since the first course in 2006. He also organized the Amazon Curandero Seminar in 2008 and 2009. In February 2008 he was given the honor of manifesting the Ayahuasca Foundation into a reality. He quickly set out to acquire the proper certification to be a recognized non-profit organization in Peru, to secure the funding for the preliminary stages of the project, and continued to let the concepts and ideas flow into the project.
The right people have arrived at the right time, and the project has advanced miraculously in a very short time. We have all arrived at the right time, for we all have a role in the events that are about to unfold. Ayahuasca can help us understand our individual roles, as it has and continues to help Carlos and the dedicated Ayahuasca Foundation staff. Please visit our website for more information: www.ayahuascafoundation.org
Upcoming Retreats at Ayahuasca Foundation
Venue & Amenities
1. Riosbo Ayahuasca Research and Education Center - Our newest center offers eight private rooms sharing a balcony overlooking the river. En suite bathrooms, full electricity and hot and cold water. Ayurvedic based diet, yoga/meditation room, massage room, consultation room, lab/medical facility. Simply gorgeous.
2. Inkan Kena Plant Medicine School - Our most rustic and authentic center accommodates up to 14 students. Modeled after a true Shipibo community, this small village is located within walking distance of several Noya Rao trees, one of the most sacred trees in the Shipibo tradition. Running water and minimal electricity.
Menu Types
Getting Here
Customer Reviews
Great Curandero and facilitators and a very comfortable facilities
The initial organization of the arrival was also very well managed, including clear information about what participants needed to bring, prepare for, and an arrival guide. Hotel booking before departure to the Riosbo Center and airport pickup were also arranged smoothly.
Daily activities were abundant, starting with learning workshops on plants and curanderismo, as well as yoga sessions, breathwork, and sharing circles. We also had ample opportunities to drink plant medicines for various healing purposes, along with plant and vapor baths.
I absolutely loved the ceremonies. The facilitators and curandero were highly professional, knowledgeable, and ethical. Without them, my experience would not have been as enjoyable. They went above and beyond to assist each participant with everything they needed. The ayahuasca ceremonies were administered in the most ethical and professional manner, creating a very safe environment. The tips and guidance I received from the facilitators were invaluable, and the power and energy I felt from the curandero were incredible.
I thoroughly enjoyed the ayahuasca ceremonies, which served as a teacher and helped me understand and perceive many dimensions and profound wisdom.
I would be delighted to return to the centre and continue my journey of self-exploration. A special thanks to Carlos, Cassandra, Mariela, Brian, Pancho, Sergio, José, and all the staff at the centre.
Ay Foundation Dec 2024
Highly recommend!!
Just how powerful we all
I found connection to God, plants are all so alive and telepathically communicating at all times. All plant medicine is amazingly healing and did exactly what it is said to do.
I tuned in to feel like that is our real state of being to feel magic, creativity, lightness, beauty, empowerment. That was incredible to find out that I can sing when I haven’t even learned one song in my lifetime. I felt myself genius my memory was incredible I could memorize anything, my head space was so clear, my will power was back, my boundaries are so strong and ego became very small. I really walk joyfully as a very happy child.
I haven’t craved any food and barely wanted to eat I realized just how much I was just unconsciously eating to numb myself.
I have no desire to watch tv and rather go for a walk. I talk to God all the time now and I feel Gods presence everywhere.
All of the people working at retreat doing really good job. They never interfere with your energy and very careful around what they do and say so you can have your authentic experience without any suggestion. I found everyone being very kind and carrying. You will get basic food as expected but it is more than enough and just perfect.
I have learned how powerful I can be and I know that we all are. It reminded me of a lion story, who was raised by sheep and thought he was a sheep until he got awakened by another lion.
I thank you all for this experience as I am integrating and solidifying all that I learned and awakened in me every day I believe more and more that is real me. :)