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8 Week Online Psilocybin Microdose Course

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Details of this retreat

The 30-Day Method in a Group Setting. Only 8 Spaces Available.

This is an extension of the world of Psilocybin and its benefits, offered in a group setting. Not only do we teach you how to determine the right dose for you week by week, we also offer weekly integration exercises, lessons, and practices to create sustainable outcomes that only psilocybin and integration can do for you!

This is a great starting point for anyone interested in exploring Psilocybin. It is a nice introduction into what is possible through the Microdose Method and a sample of what Psilocybin can bring to your life.

Schedule your 20 minute interview session to secure your spot in this group course. (Interview Session Required)

Using the Stamets Method (5 days on/2 days off), We will journey through the 30-Days of Microdosing as a group. Allowing the interactions of a group dynamic to engage you in a connected, interactive way.

8 Weekly Group Zoom Session

Group Interaction and Discussion Opportunities

6 - Weekly Integration Exercises and processes

Dose Assessments - Monitor to ensure each participant has the proper dosage.

Mon.-Fri. Unlimited WhatsApp/email messaging.

One on One Review followup - 20 Minute Session w/ Rev. Jacqui Ruiz to review, assess, and integrate. As well as to determine what is the next best step for you.

Use the link below to schedule your required interview session w/ Rev. Jacqui Ruiz

One on One 30-Day Journeys Also Available. Inquire using the same link above.


8 Weeks -
Week 1 - Intro and Welcome Session - What to expect, setting intentions, how to get the most and best of your Psilocybin experience.

Week 2 - Day 1 of 30 Days of Microdosing -
Week 2 Theme - Identifying Soul Desires - When you are clear on who you are and your soul's purpose, your radiance shines through.

Week 3 - Introducing Enhancements Lions Mane and Niacin
Week 3 Theme - Self-Care First - Identifying which new habits and self care acts you will incorporate into your 30-day experience.

Week 4 - What's opening Up - What shifts are you already noticing and how will you use them to level up.
Week 4 Theme - Connecting with your 30-Day Vision - Give yourself the gift of time to reflect, stay the course, and revisit intentions, declarations and goals.

Week 5 - Check Point Time - Self Reflection and Assessment Time. Review, Reflect, Redirect.
Week 5 Theme - Pull the Weeds and Plant the Seeds - Addressing the things we are avoiding facing and planning/prepping for the things that help us grow and expand into who we truly desire to be in the world.

Week 6 - Open Forum - Open Sharing and Discussion. An opportunity for students of the course to share what's opening up, what is still challenging them, and what you would like to celebrate.
Week 6 Theme - The Art of Celebrating What is. Embracing the act of self celebration as a way of strength and building momentum.
Week 7 - Looking Back and Looking Forward - An opportunity to check-in and review what you've learned and begin to review what's next.
Week 7 Theme - Rear View Mirror - What's working, what's not working, and what to do with what you've discovered about yourself and your soul's longings.

Week 8 - What's Next - What to do with what you've learned and discovered in this intro into Psilocybin Method.
Week 8 Theme - Coordinating 10-Day Follow Up Sessions - Individual Sessions to Integrate and Plan.

This 8 week course fee is $495.00 - Price does not include Medicine.

Schedule your Interview Session to secure your spot in this Life Changing 8 Week Course - (required for entry into this group course)

One on One 30-Day Journeys Also Available. Inquire using the same link above.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

What's Included

  • Welcome and Intro Session - Zoom
  • Weekly Group Call - Zoom
  • Weekly Themed Interactions - Emailed Weekly
  • Group Discussion Board
  • Group Interactions
  • Integration Sessions
  • Closing Acknowledgements

What's Not Included

  • Psilocybin Not Included in Price.

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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More than I expected
My experience with Jacqui was more than I expected. I came here feeling disconnected, guilty, angry, and placing blame on myself and others around me. Years of buildup had taken a toll on my mind, body, and soul. What I got was a profound shift in energy and feelings about who I am and the possibilities that will come. I never thought it would be possible for me to go as deep as I did. I was always afraid of what was underneath and lived a life of avoidance. Now, there’s a sense of personal pride for the work I have put into myself. I could not have accomplished that alone. Jacqui and her staff held me through the entire process. It was a truly authentic, heartfelt, and collective effort. Not to mention with the most beautiful scenery, sounds, food and energy around me at all times. I am optimistic about the shifts and lessons that will continue to unfold. I am full of gratitude. M.M.

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Being new to this kind of experience, I was a little apprehensive- I immediately felt at ease when Jacqui greeted me the day I arrived. She is a grounded, loving, caring woman that is doing exactly what she is here to do. The word ‘Integrity’ is what comes to me with my interaction and experience with her and the retreat. I felt completely safe and held for this very vulnerable experience – it allowed me to let go into the places that I needed, to accomplish the deep work that we did together and in my journey. I feel blessed to have met her and that she is in my life!

Overall, I can only say… wonderful and such a beautiful, nurturing setting. I have nothing to compare it to, but have a feeling this is in the top of this kind of experience! Thank you!

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10 out of 10
I rate this place a 10 out of 10 - I got everything I needed and more, so much more. The retreat experience was perfect plus I got all the additional benefits as I intended when choosing to come to this type of work.

I Feel more motivated now, appreciate my life and my connections in my life more, I feel calmer, like I am not a hurry to go anywhere. Used to be in a hurry to finish things quickly now I am wanting to do things slowly now. I also feel more confident. I told some secrets now that I didn’t tell to my girlfriend before. I am accepting myself now. I accepted some part of myself that I didn’t before. Slept better as well. Z-

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Surprisingly the best thing I have ever done for myself
I had no idea I would get so much out of this course. I thought it was a simple how to for microdosing. It is that and so so much more. This course helped me see myself in a way that helped me see how and why I do what and do and the best part of the course was it also taught me what to do with this new information. I feel like I know who I really am because of this course. Oh and I am no longer taking anxiety medicine either. Run to sign up for this course. You will not regret it!

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Highly Recommend this place.
I highly recommend this place. Everything was just perfect. The care, the location, the sessions, the creativity. I came here with an intention in mind and I am leaving with eyes and heart wide open with what I discovered here. My experience here was so much more than I imagined. I am so grateful to have found Embracing Your Light. I felt at home, welcomed and cared for immediately.