12-Day Ayahuasca Retreat with Bobinsana

January 4 - 15, 2025

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Customer Reviews

4.85 out of 5.0 average rating

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The truth shall set us free.
I have been on the Spiritual journey for over 10 years. Throughout these years I have used Ayahuasca twice. Both times it’s been at kawsay. The amount of support and effort that is given by all the staff at Kawsay is absolutely incredible.

I am grateful and appreciative of the respect and dedication that is given to each individual person ,tailoring specific work that meets their needs.

There are no gimmicks here, only the best interests for each and every soul that seeks healing and connection to the Great Devine.

For a true, trustworthy, safe and authentic ayahuasca experience look no further then Kawsay. The shamans are experts in the medicine, the facility is amazing, the food is absolutely delicious and the location is magical.

I experienced true healing for my body, mind and spirit.

I will be back🙏💛💛💛

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I couldn’t have imagined this level of healing
My journey with Kawsay Retreat has been nothing short of miraculous. Writing this review, my heart is full of love and appreciation for the incredible work done at Kawsay. Having visited thrice since my first encounter in January 2022, I’ve witnessed a remarkable transformation in myself, thanks to the compassionate care of William, Viviane, and the shamans (father and son).

My first visit was a desperate search for direction, at a time when life seemed bleak and hopeless. It felt like fate led me to Kawsay, a place centered around unconditional love. There, I found trustworthy people who guided me towards healing. In just one week, I experienced profound healing, akin to years of therapy. Depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, along with dependencies on substances and unhealthy behaviors, began to fade away.

Months later, facing challenges with depression and romantic relationships, I was suggested a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The prospect of lifelong medication was daunting. Reaching out to Kawsay again, I spoke with William, whose insights prompted an invitation back, at no extra cost. This gesture of generosity and care affirmed my trust in Kawsay’s healing process.

The retreat’s philosophy is not about profit, but genuine healing and love. Each visit reaffirmed this belief. When I faced difficulties in accepting love in a healthy relationship, I knew Kawsay was the place to find answers. The healing and insights during my third visit came more naturally, solidifying my belief in this process.

To anyone seeking a genuine, authentic ayahuasca experience, Kawsay Retreat is the place to be. This retreat has become a second home to me, filled with love and healing. My gratitude towards Kawsay and everyone involved is immense. Kawsay isn’t just a retreat; it’s a life-changing experience where one can find hope, direction, and a deep sense of belonging

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Came for spiritual retreat … ended with legal proceedings
When we arrived in Iquitos (from London) 4 days before start of retreat we were told that there is “no retreat for the week we had booked” (19/1/24) because lack of clients and they didn’t have our booking in their system due to internal error. To save holiday we booked other open retreat fairly quickly. Unbelievable but true, Kawsay refuse refund, instead offering us credits to be used over 2 years ! … after we have already travelled to Peru! Human errors can happen, but the handling of it tells a lot about William Menech and Kawsay and their priorities. Despite the inconvenience we actually believe it happened for a reason and we are glad we didn’t end up doing ayahuasca at Kawsay. We spent a day in Iquitos with lawyers and notary to start legal proceedings against Kawsay, which are ongoing. Avoid!
Response from Retreat Center:

Dear Jurgen,

We would like to address all of your concerns on the events leading up to your scheduled retreat with Kawsay Ayahuasca Retreat. Our recognition of your individual struggles, especially in light of the Covid travel situations of your initial scheduled booking, and your repeated requests for rescheduling demonstrate our dedication to supporting you in the face of these extraordinary circumstances.

Notably, from the beginning of our interactions, we have kindly granted your requests for many reschedulings. After your last cancellation, there was a crucial period during which you were unsure of the retreat's new date. In December 2023, when you chose to reschedule, communication was unfortunately directed to an ex-employee rather than Kawsay directly. This misdirection resulted in your not being scheduled for the retreat date you preferred.

Upon your unexpected arrival in Iquitos, almost a week before the retreat, we were made aware through a message forwarded by our ex-employee from you to her at that time. We contacted you right away, and you were scheduled for your desired retreat immediately. We truly regret the current legal situation, especially in light of our ethical principles of spiritual growth and healing, but despite our best efforts, your unhappiness resulted in legal proceedings.

In our more than 11 years of conducting business with the utmost integrity and providing excellent service and healing, this is the first time we have encountered this type of scenario. We've learned so much from it, and it has inspired us to improve our procedural and communication standards. We are still working toward a solution that serves the interests of both yourself and Kawsay, moving empathetically and rationally in the direction of a correct resolution.

We deeply apologize for the confusion and inconvenience caused by the miscommunication and oversight. We are committed to maintaining our internal procedures and learning from this experience, therefore, your opinion has been very important to us. Ensuring that our decisions and actions completely reflect the principles we uphold.

We are willing to continue the conversation as this issue develops in order to find a solution that benefits all sides in terms of mutual understanding and resolution. We appreciate your choices and the path you have chosen, and we offer our best wishes for your journey forward and well-being.

This message also serves as a commitment to our community and prospective guests, reaffirming our commitment to openness, growth, and the utmost regard for every person's experience working with us. Our mission is to keep Kawsay Ayahuasca Retreat a center for learning and healing, and we remain steadfast in our dedication.

Jurgen, we apologize for not living up to your expectations, but we are thankful for the chance to have had this experience with you. We wish you contentment and peace of mind going forward.

William Menech,
Director Kawsay Ayahuasca Retreat

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William is a beacon of light, full of genuine absolute love for each and everyone who attends Kawsay. His dedication to a person's healing is beyond compare. His laugh is infectious, and his stories and reflections are incredibly helpful when working through and processing the experience of the ceremonies. He is a genuine brother to me now and opens his compassionate heart to all equally. What he has created here is a gift to those who receive the call of Ayahuasca. My heart is full of LOVE AND LIGHT.

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This was my first time working with Ayahuasca and Huachuma plant medicine. I had done a lot of research after hearing many scary stories about the experience. I was recommended Kawsay by a friend who had attended years before. I cannot begin to describe how grateful I am to have selected this retreat as the place to do this deep healing work. The retreat itself is utterly incredible. Pictures don't do justice to how stunning the set up is. Also the staff are truly fantastic. William and Ana are absolutely 150% committed to your healing journey. Warm, open hearted, genuine, loving humans. When working with the plant medicine, it is vital to have absolute trust in your Shamans holding the ceremonies. Winnister and Junior are beyond compare when it comes to this. They are pure, safe and good and utterly dedicated to your healing. I cannot imagine working with anyone else, through such powerful ceremonies. The off retreat excursions are one of a kind. The monkey sanctuary being an absolute highlight. I am eternally grateful to William and his care of me and my small cohort of participants. I have lifelong friends now with these humans.