Beltane is a celebration of fertility, community, love, merriment, and ecstatic joy. We find ourselves renewed warmth and sunshine of Spring in its full glory, and the wildness within is ready to play!
Perhaps the most recognizable of the traditional pagan holidays, Beltaine celebrates the mid-point between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice. In this ceremony we will celebrate the joy and exuberance of the season with ecstatic dance. Participants are invited to bring a drum or rattle to add to the beat as they are called. This is an opportunity to lay aside any hangups you may have around being a “dancer” and give yourself an opportunity to express yourself authentically and safely through movement.
This celebration coincides with our monthly Kin Circle and we're looking forward to a joyous day together celebrating life!
Encouraged to arrive by 12:30pm to have time to park and land before the ceremony begins.
More About The Stone Circle:
For many thousands of years, humans from land-honoring spiritual traditions have aligned their sacred ceremonies with the natural seasons and cycles of the Earth, the “Wheel of the Year” according to modern Pagan traditions. The Stone Circle at Rootstock honors the deep history of many of these traditions in which sacred sites of standing stones mark spiritually significant locations. The potent Earth energies therein hold space for sacred ceremonial work. In 2024, we launched our first Wheel of the Year offerings at Rootstock and celebrated the passage of the seasons in community, honoring the Earth and ourselves in the process, deepening our relationship with the seasons, and building a deeper connection with the land through ceremony.
In this second series of offerings, in partnership with the Rootstock community, Eyal invites you to join the community of a living spiritual “Stone Circle”, which we will build and hold through our ceremonial gatherings during the important seasonal transitions of the Wheel during 2025. This year, our ceremonies will be guided by the theme “tending to our inner wildness” through 8 seasonal rituals. Participants are invited to bring curiosity, a reverence for the natural world, and an open heart to our gatherings. Designed to be family friendly and inclusive for people from all backgrounds and beliefs. Inspired by the spiritual practices and teachings of the modern Druid tradition, we will come together in ceremony across the seasons, to honor and celebrate the natural rhythms of the Earth. Inviting the ebbs and flows of the natural world to speak to our Spirit, and guide and hold us in our own inward growth and evolution.
Come celebrate the turning of the wheel…
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