Every day we will go to a Sedona Vortex as guided by Shawngela's spiritual team. After your activity with Shawngela, you will have personal reflection time activities.
Personal Reflection Time.
Every day you will be guided by the Divine to do additional work to deepen your communication. This could mean traveling to another vortex to meditate or do sacred writing. It could also mean getting guided to get a massage, go hiking, go visit a sacred site, buy some crystals or just plain have fun!
Day 1
- 4 pm - 7 pm check-in and greeting
Day 2 - 3
- 7:30 am - travel to Sedona Vortex
- 8 am - 12 pm Sedona Vortex Spiritual Session
- This is an intuitive retreat, designed to help you connect to the Divine. As such, the activities that we do will be based on the guidance given by Shawngela's spiritual team. These are just some of the tools used: Spiritual/Energy Healing| Intuitive Healing | Law of Attraction Guidance | Breathwork | Qigong or Yoga Meditation | Automatic Writing | Meditation | Q/A with IAM - Shawngela's spiritual guides | Sound Healing | Psychic/Intuitive Readings
- Rest of the day
- Lunch and dinner on your own
- Private Reflection time - during your morning session, you will be divinely guided to do another spiritual activity to deepen your spiritual practice. The next day we discuss your communication and answer any questions you may have. We then proceed to the next activity to deepen your newfound awareness.
Day 4
- This is similar to the other days except we spend more time talking about how to put into practice what you have learned during the retreat
- 2 pm - late check out
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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