In the magical jungle paradise of Pueblo Sacbe, Playa del Carmen, we begin the journey of reconnection.
The duration is 3 hours approximately
Couple’s healing:
* Energetic cleansing with incense and ancestral sounds. *Guided meditation towards stillness
*Guided meditation towards movement
* Dance, song…
*Reiki * Thai Massage
Soul Lab:
* Giving and receiving through a playful activity
Inner child psycho Magick
* Cenote swimming option and Return home, to our temple, to our center. Closing of the meeting expressing intentions through archetypal symbol. *
Duration flexible approximately: 3 hours
Optional, lodging at the jungle private cabanas in beautiful setting of dreamy, STATE OF THE ART and one of a kind architecture (please see photos).
Relax body and mind, balance the hemispheres and purify our pineal gland to prepare ourselves to feel, breathe, release and connect with this present, here and now.
Letting yourself be carried away by sounds, sensations, aromas, etc. is the initial step to be able to connect with more subtle dimensions.
The intention is to return to your center: feel, connect and let go of what needs to be let go... such as resentments, anger, control, etc.
The intention is to connect with the present moment, in order to release the accumulated tension and pressure.
These sessions are about a space of intimacy with you so that you can return to yourself, through various tools and with the intention of releasing patterns of thought and/or behavior that are not aligned with your purpose in this experience on earth.
The intention is to purify and nourish our main energy centers or chakras through Reiki energy, quartz, ancestral sounds, incense and mantras...
A journey to reconnect with your higher self...
Private sessions in the jungle (individuals or couples)
1.) Light meal before experience
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