I will tell you that I went in with no expectations. I know how the spiritual world works. From the moment I contacted Gabriel, He was very responsive, polite and professional. He scheduled my Ayuhuaska session with Agustina. Agustina then contacted me and from that point on I felt sure, secure and safe. I wanted a private session because I wanted to gauge the work I had done for myself and let me tell you. Wow!!!!! With Agustina’s guidance I had a life changing experience that I must have spent the last hour and a half in complete gratitude. Honoring what transpired as well and honoring Agustina. To say that it was amazing is a complete understatement. I highly recommend it. I also recommend following her pre session instructions to further the experience. You’ll be the one to get what you need from it. I wish you love. ❤️ Muchisimas Gracias Gabriel y Agustina. Se los agradezco de todo mi corazón. ❤️
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