2-Day Bespoke EntheoSonic® Psilocybin Ceremony with Shamanic Voice Alchemist & Integration program

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Zutphenseweg 115A, Lochem, Netherlands
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Up to 2 in group
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Retreat Highlights

  • Sacred Psilocybin Mushroom Ceremony
  • 1: 1 guidance with thoroughly experienced and connected Intuit Shaman / Therapist
  • Sound healing and Voice Liberation
  • Deep Transformational and embodiment experience
  • Deep shamanic cellular and vibrational recalibration and healing with psychic sound/Voice Alchemy
  • Shamanic Soul- revival, restore scattered parts and integrate all aspects of being
  • Restore your relationship with the earth's intelligence
  • Divine Attunement and oneness experience
  • Multidimensional Healing experience
  • Find your true life purpose
  • Heart-opening and awakening experience
  • greater awareness of interconnectedness with each other and with the universe
  • a greater sense of peace, harmony, and love.
  • 1-2 hour integration session after your experience, in person or online.

About this Retreat

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Details of this retreat

2-Day Bespoke EntheoSonic® Psilocybin Ceremony with Shamanic Voice Alchemist & Integration program

Join the Transformative Journey at Intunity with Maurice Spees:
Experience profound healing and self-discovery in our 2-day Divine Attunement Medicine Ceremony. In the serene Dutch countryside, Maurice Spees, a skilled Shamanic Voice Alchemist and Transformational Medium and Guide, guides you through personalised sessions tailored for deep, holistic healing.

Unique Shamanic Approach:
Maurice combines shamanic voice alchemy and therapeutic insight and his ability to channel energies, transcending traditional methods to dissolve ego barriers and foster a deep divine connection. The ceremonies integrate raw cacao elixir sessions and a personalised psilocybin experience in a nurturing environment.

Comprehensive Support:
We ensure a seamless journey with pre-session discovery calls, introduction sessions, integration walk/talks, and follow-up integration support. Accommodation assistance is available for an immersive experience.

A Legacy of Transformation:
Hundreds have experienced life-changing transformations through our EntheoSonic® Ceremonies. These sessions are not just healing practices but profound shamanic experiences that facilitate cellular-level transformation, guided by Maurice's unique synthesis of sacred mushrooms and voice alchemy.

Exclusive to Intunity & Maurice Spees:
Our EntheoSonic® Ceremonies, a signature offering of Intunity, are meticulously crafted for deep transformative healing, combining sacred plant medicine with Maurice's innovative voice alchemy for a unique spiritual awakening.

Hear from those who have journeyed with us and experienced significant life transformations. Their stories of rediscovery, healing, and renewal attest to the power and uniqueness of our EntheoSonic® Ceremonies. Visit our website for more testimonials.

Start Your Transformative Journey:
For more information or to schedule a complimentary discovery session, please contact us at Intunity. We’re here to guide you on your path to an authentic, fulfilled existence.

Testimonials from previous participants highlight the life-altering impact of these ceremonies:

"Well, I've finally managed to sit down and write something. I'm typing this with tears in my eyes, haha. Man, you've no idea how much you have helped me :)

I can't thank you enough for facilitating the journey I've been able to embark on with you. It was incredibly intense but also feels like a very important step, and you've been a tremendous help in making it.

Even though I was very scared, I had a lot of trust in you all along the way. You really made me feel like I was in good hands.

The ceremony had a huge impact on me and has brought about a lot of change towards a healthier and happier life. It's been over a month now, and I look back on it as one of the most impactful moments in my life. A turning point where I, with your help, steered myself from a dark path to a much lighter, happier, and above all, more honest life. I no longer see the world so much through a tunnel but feel open, clearer of mind, more awake... You've made me realise that I can be much kinder to myself, am much stronger, and can also unleash much more potential. If I had continued the same way, I would not have grown old, and you helped me to come closer to myself again.

What exactly happened is so hard to put into words, and I take your advice not to do so to heart. It doesn't need to be explained. But that it has been a very important, positive experience is beyond doubt.

Dear Maurice, thank you so much!"

Ruben, Filmmaker, Netherlands

"Maurice has guided an amazing ceremony for us. We asked Maurice to guide a ceremony for us to get clarification on a big decision. He created a beautiful, sacred and ancient set-up and ritual that made us feel very safe and connected to our intentions and to all the creatures of nature. I am so happy we invited Maurice to hold this beautiful space for our journey and guiding us to our deeper questions. With his guidance during the ceremony and also the days afterwards we got lots of clarification and the answers we hoped for."

CEO, Netherlands

"Unlike most journeys where you have a blind fold and lie down with a space holder looking at you taking notes.
With headphones . As if you are sick...
The journey with Maurice is a ceremony of prayer with the medicine. His voice, callings and the medicine transport you to deep layers of your self in the most sacred and beautiful way.
Thank you for holding a truly sacred space .. so grateful!"

Dalia, Lebanon

"My session with Maurice simply incredible. It was a journey of self-understanding that left a profound impact on me.
From the moment I entered the space, I felt a genuine sense of compassion and warmth.
he created a safe and non-judgmental environment where I felt comfortable sharing my thoughts and emotions. I gained valuable insights into myself.
The impact of this experience has extended beyond the session, as I continue to integrate into my self.
I highly recommend this transformative journey for anyone seeking profound self-understanding and personal growth. "

Nouf, Kuwait

"It was such a blessing that I got to experience a magical ceremony with Maurice. I can say that it was the best experience in my life. It is hard to put it in words as the experience was beyond words and beyond anything I have experienced. Maurice holds space with so much love and so much knowledge. His voice is a channel that transports you to the divine in you. It was an experience that I will be forever grateful for. Thank you Maurice for what you do, I am truly blessed to have had the chance to go on this journey with you. You will surely see me again and again."

Sarah Rafeh
From Lebanon

"What a magical experience... this has been the most powerful and healing session of my life. I received amazing messages and I feel like a new person. Maurice is such a beautiful soul and is so connected throughout the entire ceremony... I felt like he guided us so beautifully and he knew exactly what was going on inside of us. I can't wait to have another ceremony with him."

from Miami

"The ceremony with Maurice was transformational, his beautiful voice brings in the divine and profound healing happens!"

Rita Salame
from Ibiza

"I acquired an understanding that nothing had to be done, nothing had to be solved, nothing had to be forced … a clarity that I had never reached … beyond the ego, beyond the physical… the unknown was now known … I tapped into the power and gifts of my soul and the fears that were keeping me from embracing them … I connected to my light … this was everything … a rebirth, the beginning of a new life. Let alone the setting and the beautiful house we were having the ceremony at. Let alone the love and care I got from Maurice and Kassia. I felt at home. I felt taken care of. It was beautiful. I recommend it to all beautiful souls out there struggling in the matrix."

from Dubai

"My journey with Maurice was ineffable and I will try to do it justice to find the words that capture this transcendent experience. Maurice is a fantastic guide, not only for myself but for the medicine itself. He utilises finesse as well as great insight when using his gift in a way that allowed me to feel completely safe and supported and at the same time non-intrusive. Throughout I felt I had the space to travel my path and yet knowing that he was with me throughout holding the space and releasing pressure when needed."

"During the ceremony, his voice and music allowed my voice to open in a way I had never heard myself sound like before in all 45 years I’ve been on this planet. It was the most powerful aspect of this journey - I heard myself for the first time. Maurice does not imitate anyone, he is truly a unique sound healer.

My intention was to connect with my sacral and I felt a tremendous release through the medicine with Maurice’s guidance that felt like a traumatic release in connection to my mother and her childhood trauma. It was the first time I felt energy moving in my sacral and it was both a relief and truly empowering.

This was my first journey with Maurice and it will definitely not be my last. He is a true healer and a wonderful human being."

from Egypt

What an amaaasing ceremony we had with Maurice…Ive been to lots of ceremonies and met lots of Shamans.. some great ones as well.. But Maurice is a very very very special being.. so the ceremony isnt only about the medicine or the inner journey and the incredible healing (one of the most profound Ive ever had.) but all about how the space is held with so much love, selflessness and care.. Maurice is a very very special Soul that is rare to find..  give yourself this gift of a life time experience with Maurice.. Blessed to have been in your space. Thank you Angel.

from Lebanon

How to even find the words to describe how magical that ceremony was and it wouldn’t have been the magical experience it was if it wasn’t for Maurice. He was simply amazing, he held the space so beautifully, made me feel safe, his voice transported me to another dimension, he accompanied me on this journey and I couldn’t be more thankful and grateful to have crossed paths with him. It was a journey of love, one that I will carry with me for ever. Thank you for helping me feel divinity right here on earth.

from Lebanon

Working with Maurice Spees has been transformational on many levels. Maurice is a pure powerful vessel connected to Source. He holds space with Light. His voice, intuition and tenderness gives him a unique signature. I am grateful to have crossed path with this lightworker! 💫

I want to thank Maurice for being the being that he is. Maurice is a vessel whose main purpose is to help people heal. His connection with the medicine and relationship with Spirit is unique. His medicine is potent. The space of his ceremony is filled with light. Maurice is born to do that.

Paris, France

Before the ceremony, I was a tired soul that was sleep walking through life. I did not feel joy or a purpose for life anymore.

And then the medicine ceremony helped me ''wake up'' and breathe again. It was a real rebirth. I felt alive again, for the first time in as long as I can remember.

I feel so much lighter, and closer to my true essence than ever before.
I saw myself, or a glimpse of myself for real.

It was the most liberating, moving and touching experience I've had so far on both spiritual and emotional levels.

Today, I really feel a major shift in my life and how I look at things.
It's simply beautiful.

Wishing for all beings to have this opportunity to feel life and deep love again.


Thank you so much for hosting my husband and myself for such an amazing personal ceremony. It was truly a magical experience especially with your vocal instruments and your soprano healing voice. I feel absolutely blessed and I know for sure I’m on the right path after my experience today with the energy and insights gained from the cacao and the medicine. You held the space with such strength and grace and compassion. Thank you for your empowering inspiration! This for me is just the beginning of my journey... ️

I feel truly inspired to begin my new journey of life with confidence and insight, setting my younger self free with love and compassion ❤️❤️❤️


Doing the private full- weekend ceremony retreat in the Netherlands was deeply transforming and rewarding for me. I can't imagine anywhere else where I can feel safe enough to reach such a deep level of transformation. Maurice is very experienced, you feel at ease the whole time because everything is taken care of, so I could easily relax and surrender. Maurice is a master at holding the space and the ceremony, and is leading your journey with his voice and drum, everything attuned to your energy and what you need in the moment.

So many things have changed for me, even now a month after the ceremony. First and foremost I feel a lot more connected to my body. It is like my body tells me what it needs in a new way overall I just feel more embodied. This has already lead to a list of changes, I improved my my diet drastically and now easily make my choices from my body. This has reduced my anxiety levels and brings me more clarity of what I want for myself instead of others telling me what to do.

I would highly recommend doing a private ceremony weekend retreat with Maurice and Kasia as it is deeply rewarding. What is also good with Maurice and Kasia is that they generously care about how you integrate this experience in your life and they will stay in touch and available to check in any time, .so that you are not left on your own after this deep and rewarding experience.

CEO, Norway

The experience was amazing … It is still with me, in my heart, in my everyday experience … Maurice, a beautiful awakened soul that reached a state of balance between his divine feminine and divine masculine accompanied me on my journey … This journey was out of the ordinary … nothing I had ever experienced before … it gave me a sense of the truth; the truth of my soul and my existence… the truth behind my sufferings, my wisdom, my strength and my pain … An understanding on another level, a maturity in the way I look at things… it changed my entire perception … I was finally feeling enough and standing in my power … the power of the divine …


The best way I can describe "The journey with Maurice" is like embedding the song "amazing grace" into your body and life. Maurice with his magnificent voice, allows tremendous life transformation to occur, connecting you with the mother, feminine power, the serpent (giving rise to healing), as you unveil answers and reach the truth within you. You are naked, real, authentic and feel safe after that. You become the director in what is called life, having the freedom to be happy...or not. It becomes a choice.


I experienced a ceremony with Maurice and my experience was incredible

I felt safe enough to just allow my emotions to flow and was guided by an intense feminine energy inside my body, when i connected with it i just couldn't stop crying, I felt very liberated.

It has really taught me to feel the energy inside my body and how to connect with it

and afterwards, now every day I've been practicing to tune in inwardly and feel what's going on.

Thank truly!


Discover more and begin your transformative journey at www.intunity.co


10:30 Introduction
11:00 Opening Sacred Circle with Cacao (and blue lotus)
12:00 EntheoSonic Medicine Journey starts, including
17:00 Earth- connection experience, with fire outdoor (depending on weather).
18:00 Warm soup with healthy snacks and fruits
20:00 Integration preparation before bed
20:30 Meditative and contemplative evening in silence

The Day after you have a good nights rest and we have an Integration preparation session, at a comfy time. This can be at your guesthouse or during a walk in the woods next to the sanctuary.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

Getting Here

Location icon Intunity Events, Zutphenseweg 115A, Lochem, Netherlands


By train to Zutphen train-station or as stated in info mail. We pick you up from trainstation in Zutphen. In some cases in Deventer station.


We can arrange accommodation for you, with pick up service to bring you to our venue. Bikes also available.

Program Price per person

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
The venue takes place in a Sacred sanctuary home in the woods of Lochem. Fully private alone standing house with huge woods starting in our front yard.
The space is specially made for ceremonies.


Menu Types

Delicious vegetable soup with extras upon request. Fruits and healthy chocolate. Suger free, glutenfree cakes. etc. Enough herbal tea.

What's Included

  • Cacao Ceremony with Blue Lotus
  • Full-day private Sacred Medicine Ceremony
  • Sacred Medicine Ceremony with Sound Healing
  • Post One-on-one Integration Call
  • Pre-retreat Screening Call
  • Organic, wholesome grounding soup, after the ceremony.
  • Morning Practice: Qi Gong, Yoga, Movement Medicine, Embodiment practices

What's Not Included

  • Airfare
  • Insurance
  • Visa
  • Airport pick-up and drop-off
  • Extra Accommodation upon request we can book it for you.

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Journey of healing.
This was our first experience with psilocybin my girlfriend and I. Maurice was very good at guiding through the experience and tuning into the energy. We got to experience ourselves that we might have forgotten or masked behind a lot of anxiety and trauma all through life.
This is a very recommended session that will give you guidance or maybe a glimpse of truth in your life. You might get what you seek with this experience. I know we did!
Also, very delicious soup 😊

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