From the time of arrival to the end of the four day immersion the beautiful Forest Path team led by Jaya and Hayley ,guided and supported the attendees to ensure we were safe and informed to confidently recieve the gift of learning that we so needed. The ecletic group of people from the four corners of the world embraced the experience and the personal interactions were truly uplifting to us all, me especially, thank you very much.
The food was amazing. nourishing and well balanced , ensuring the group felt strong to pursue their individual journeys for the entirety of the retreat.
Everyday was different, stimulating ourselves to work towards our own outcomes.
Integration day was a very unique experience abundant food, great conversations, yoga, massages, sauna,singing, swimming and most of all smiles , love and laughter.
This has been the best week of growth and learning i could have wished for.
Thank you so much for the honour to attend and be with such a wonderful group of people. The entire Forest Path team nutured us all, i feel an inner peace that is indescribable. You are very special. A bright light shines within me that i did not have before meeting you all.
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