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Liberating Holistic Hypnosis Day Retreat

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Retreat Highlights

  • Healing aspects of yourself in past lives, other dimensions, past moments
  • Liberation from traumas
  • Freedom from limiting beliefs
  • Inner child therapy
  • Body scan and healing
  • Answers to any questions from Higher self - relationship, family, karmic connections, twin flame, career, investments, truth, political situation, where to live or be, removing vaccination nano-chip, letting go of habits
  • Releasing stress
  • Mental health
  • Healing illnesses
  • Priceless advice for diet, exercise etc.

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat

In my full day holistic therapy session with hypnosis I always ask to take a bit of time before to prepare for questions.
Preferably in handwritten format, then you already activate and connect with your intuitive side.

I also ask to check what is most important for you right now, any issues, triggers, fears or concerns, health questions, anything of interest, career, investments, where is the right place to be/live, soul connections, relationship issues etc.

When we meet we talk about everything for hours and go through your questions. I may assist with formulating the questions to receive most accurate answers during the hypnosis.
The hypnosis part is simple as your subconscious takes you exactly to the roots and answers related to your questions.
You will be conscious (in Theta state - mind is present but very quiet), you are able to talk, and in control of the entire hypnosis part, guiding me via visions, sensations, feelings, while I will be asking questions.

We also do a proper body scan and you will receive lot of healing and advice from your higher self during the session.

The final part during the hypnosis is that will ask all your questions directly to your higher self.

After the hypnosis we talk about how it felt, what you gained and how to proceed. Read More


QUESTION: Is the hypnosis a full day session?

ANSWER: Every being is individual, therefore its not possible to say how long the session lasts or what is the outcome.
I don't put these limits, some people may need less time others more.

On average I recommend to take a full day just for yourself.
It's holistic and therapeutic and may take from 6 - 11 hours.

How would a 6 - 11 hour session work online?

ANSWER: Meeting online is like meeting in person.

We are connected the entire day via Skype and it works the same as meeting in person.

The prerequisite is good Internet on both ends.

It is completely safe, I can assure you of proper instructions in case internet connection would fail.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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What's Included

  • The outcome of our online retreat depends on the nature of issues.
  • My intention is to be of your assistance and assist so that you may receive the most out of the session for your highest interest.
  • My sessions are empowering. If i would claim to be your healer I would take away your personal power and make you dependent of me, which is not my intention!
  • You are your own healer and it means taking responsibility for your well-being.
  • If you want your consciousness to be raised to the 5th dimensional reality or higher, this is a prerequisite - to take responsibility for your healing process.
  • The whole session is liberating, the body scan involves a lot of healing and your higher self knows exactly what is needed and what is appropriate to show you. You will never be shown anything you can't handle or would jeopardise your future.
  • I just follow your highest self during the session, not the other way around.
  • Otherwise it would not be ethical or right.
  • We are like onions, the more layers of untruth we peel off the more pure and real we become, and we experience the present moment from the highest perspective.
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