Release pain and restrictions for a total body awakening and rejuvenation.
Explore two complementary modalities to support your journey of self-discovery and self-healing. Let go of unproductive holding patterns as you develop effective body-wellness routines that are easy to incorporate into your home practice. Focus on foundational movements that help you exercise without pain and enjoy life with more ease.
Yamuna® Body Rolling is a workout, a massage, and a whole-body adjustment rolled into one. Specially designed balls help improve alignment, enhance bone quality, reduce scar tissue and offset the stress of repetitive movements.
Essential Somatics® practice establishes a new level of self-awareness and re-trains the communication between the brain and the muscles, restoring coordinated movement, mobility and relieving pain. Learn gentle movements that will free muscular restrictions and give you the tools to manage chronic stress responses.
Program Highlights
Movement practices to reset and rebalance your body and nervous system.
Tools to free accumulated habitual muscular tension.
Gain awareness of stress-response reflexes, how they affect you, and what to do about it.
Discover the root causes of your pain and learn to manage and release it.
Strategies to manage pelvic floor function & restore the synergy of your core.
Help creating a personal home practice.
Fun with experiential anatomy.
Align, define, and redesign your inner and outer self.
This program is for anyone looking to shift themselves into wellness.
"I couldn't be happier! My chronic pain is gone. Sharp pain in my chest that I’ve had for years is almost gone. I am calmer and more in the present moment. Namchi is an exceptional teacher and lovely person." - Izabela, past participant
"Namchi's classes have been a life line for me. She holds space for powerful physical work and her classes are consistently fun, informative, and rejuvenating. I have noticed lasting change in my body since I began working with her, specifically regarding chronic back pain that I have had for years." - Hayley, past participant
A personal Body Rolling Kit is required for this program. Each kit includes 4 balls (Gold, Pearl, 2 Black) and is available for purchase through the instructor. Bring your own balls or email Namchi if you would like to purchase a kit.
Daily Schedule
A detailed schedule will be emailed to you about 30 days prior to your program. Click here to view a sample program schedule.
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