Kambo is a medicine traditionally used by the indigenous populations of the Brazilian Amazonian Rainforest, the Matsés, who have been using its properties for millenniums.
This treatment involves the application of the secretion of the frog Maki (lat. Phyllomedusa bicolor), which has incredible effects on the human organism.
Because the secretion increments all the organic senses such as sight, hearing and smell, in its traditional context in the jungle the medicine is mostly used during hunting expedition, in order to connect the humans to their natural environment and to help them to move better in the wildness. Apart of this, we also find large applications of it in case of necessary treatment of maladies such as malaria and other infectious bacterial, as well to heal snakebites and to overcome infertility.
The Maki lives on the higher plants of the Selva. The indigenous people of the Tribes venture for days or even weeks in the jungle, where they then call and invoke the Sapo, in order to meet it and collect its secretion.
Traditionally, the secretion gets collected from the legs and from the belly of the frog, while leaving the back untouched, so that the Sapo itself can benefit from it. The medicine is then placed on little wood sticks, where, dried, will be preserved till its use, without ever losing its effectiveness.
Unfortunately nowadays, a time where the market of the Amazonian medicines is growing exponentially, more and more westerns break the delicate equilibrium of the traditional indigenous practices, and do so for profit and personal gain. There are more and more groups of people that don’t respect the sacred spirit of these medicines and creatures, which leads to an abuse of the frog, in situations where, for example, the secretion gets collected during the day even thought this would traumatize the Frog, as it is a nocturnal animal, or even cases in which the full secretion is collected also from the back, leaving the Frog without it for personal use.
That’s why it is really important to know from where the medicine comes from and what the intentions are behind the person that is serving it, in order to be sure that our own healing doesn’t happen on the expenses of someone else, in this case, a miraculous frog.
Thanks to the study of many different cases of application of the medicine, we can now say that Kambo has immense benefits in healing the human body. Its positive effects are manifested in the strengthening of the immune system, in the healing and elimination of inflammatory processes, and in the purification and detoxification of human cells and their organs, as well as the inframuscular spaces and nerve endings, which often regenerate.
Positive effects were also observed in the cure of modern diseases such as migraine, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, rheumatic processes, hepatitis, arterial hypertension, intestinal tract diseases, joint problems, chronic pain states, as well as improvement and reduction in cancer cases. .
This happens thanks to the fact that, when one undergoes a Kambo treatment, all food and environmental toxins, as well as toxins derived from toxic agents such as cigarettes, alcohol and drugs of any kind, as well as bad mental patterns and attitudes present in the body and mind are literally purged from the system. Pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites are also combated and very often defeated.
Another notable effect to notice after the treatment is an increase in physical condition, as well as a feeling of being energized and alert. Emotional eating and thirst will also be adjusted, which can therefore help a lot when dealing with bad habits related to processed foods, drinking and addictions in general.
In the long term, Kambo acts as a regulator of the body and the psyche and can therefore have a positive impact on many levels of life.
Detailed description of the function of each peptide with the clarification that all of them together work symbiotically in a more complete and potentiated way than isolated, this is known as the "entourage effect" where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Philomedusins – such as Tachykinins (which also act as neuropeptides) – Produce contraction at the smooth muscle level and increase secretions from the entire gastrointestinal tract such as salivary glands, stomach, small and large intestine, pancreas and gallbladder. They are primarily responsible for the deep purge produced by the administration of kambó.
Phyllokinins and Phyllomedusins – both are potent vasodilators, increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, both for their own access and for other active peptides. Within this family are jellyfish, which also have antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
Caeruleins and Sauvaginas – These are peptides with chains of 40 amino acids, with myotropic properties on smooth muscle, producing contraction in the colon and urinary bladder. They produce a drop in blood pressure accompanied by tachycardia. They stimulate the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland, contributing to increased sensory perception and increased stamina. Both peptides have great analgesic power, contribute to increasing physical strength, the ability to cope with physical pain, stress and illness, and reduce fatigue symptoms. In the medical field, this family of peptides contributes to improving digestion, and has analgesic properties against pain in renal colic, pain due to peripheral vascular insufficiency, and tumor pain.
Dermorphins and deltorphins – These are small peptides made up of 7 amino acids. They are selective opiate delta receptor agonists, 4000 times more potent than morphine and 40 times more than endogenous endorphins.
Adenoregulins – discovered in the 1990s by John Daly's team at the National Institutes of Health in the United States. Adenoregulin works in the human body through adenosine receptors, a critical component in all human cellular fuel. These receptors may offer a target for the treatment of depression, strokes and diseases of cognitive loss, such as Alzheimer's disease and also Parkinson's.
Antimicrobial Peptides: Dermaseptins, including adenoregulins (with 33 amino acids), plasticins, and phylloseptins, are part of a family of broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptides involved in defending the bare skin of frogs against microbial invasion. These are the first vertebrate peptides to show lethal effects against filamentous fungi responsible for severe opportunistic infections, accompanying immunodeficiency syndrome and the use of immunosuppressive agents. They also show lethal effects against a broad spectrum of both gran+ and gran- bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and protozoa. Several years of research carried out at the University of Paris have shown that the peptides Dermaseptin B2 and B3 are effective in the death (autolysis or cell suicide) of certain types of cancer cells. Research at Queens University Belfast recently won a prestigious award for groundbreaking work on cancer and Kambo. Its mechanism of action is produced by the inhibition of angiogenesis of tumor cells, with selective cytotoxicity for these cells.
Bradykinins – such as phyllokinins and tryptophyllins. They are peptides with structure and properties similar to human bradykinin. They are important sources of scientific study as they are hypotensive, because they produce vasodilation, contraction of non-vascular smooth muscle, increase vascular permeability and are also related to the mechanism of inflammatory pain.
Bombesins – these peptides stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid by acting on the G cells of the stomach, regardless of the pH of the medium; they also increase pancreatic secretion, intestinal myoelectric activity, and smooth muscle contractility.
Ceruleins – Stimulate gastric, biliary and pancreatic secretions, and certain smooth muscles. They could be used in paralytic ileus and as a diagnostic tool in pancreatic dysfunction.
Tryptophilins – are neuropeptides made from 4 to 14 amino acids, which are opening up new perspectives on how the human brain works.
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