Inga says, "I can highly recommend doing a ceremony with Solete! She has the magic gift of creating a very warm and safe space that makes you feel welcome and taken care of." See more
Anonymous says, "My life journey back to myself is steeped in acceptance. Acceptance that the earth provides medicine and people, and medicine people, and it all comes together at the right time when one is ready." See more
Anonymous says, "This journey is very personal and Gabriel and Peter are very gentle, kind, and powerful humans, with a great passion and respect for their practice. This is not something to go into lightly so be very ready and they will support your journey." See more
Evan says, "I recently took part in a wonderful ayahuasca ceremony with Harold at the Viva Medicina Ayahuasca retreat. Other reviews cover much of the same experience that I had, so please read them also." See more