Prayer Practices is a 2 years (20 sessions -40 hours) certificate program to explore a wide variety of ways to approach a prayerful life. You will learn to connect with the sacred in diverse ways in order to help guide others. If you are a spiritual director, pastor, counselor or work in a ministry, different prayer practices enrich your work with others. It is an opportunity to be grounded in your own practice and get to know new ways to let personal prayer experience permeate your entire life. Each presenter will share how their own prayer practice has touched their life.
9/1/25 Welcoming Prayer: Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden
9/15/25 Praying with Liturgical Seasons: Sister Monika Ellis
10/6/25 Praying with Therese of Lisieux: Sr Laura Swan
10/20/25 Jesus Prayer of the Heart: Sr. Sonja Weber
11/3/25 Rosary: Sr Julian Clearly
11/17/25 Praying with Psalms: Sr Paz Vital
1/5/26 Liturgy of the Hours: Sister Monika Ellis
1/19/26 Mindfulness Prayer: Sr. Sonja Weber
2/2/26 Lectio Divina: Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden
2/16/26 Vita Divina -Lectio of Life: Sr Paz Vital
3/2/26 Lamentations: Sr Laura Swan
3/16/26 Stations of the Cross: Sr Julian Clearly
4/6/26 Centering Prayer: Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden
4/20/26 Art Prayer: Sister Monika Ellis
5/4/26 Interfaith Prayer: Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden
5/18/26 Examen: Sr Julian Clearly
6/1/26 Buddhist Prayer: Sr. Sonja Weber
7/6/26 Labyrinth: Sr Paz Vital
7/20/26 Contemplative Prayer: Sr. Anna-Camille Wooden
8/3/26 Praying with Icons: Sr. Sonja Weber
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