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Introduction to Shamanism Online Course; The medicine of Mother Earth

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Up to 10 in group
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Retreat Highlights

  • Learn how to make your own alter for shamanic ceremonies
  • Learn exercises, mantras and symbols for each element
  • Learn how to manifest your dream life
  • Learn to work with quartz, power stones, plant baths, animal totems, wayras, and healing songs
  • Learn energy protection techniques

About this Retreat

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Details of this retreat

In this course we will learn to reconnect with the wisdom of Mother Earth, the
ancestors and the elements through various techniques such as: mantras, body postures, symbols, songs, power objects, the medicine wheel, etc. We will learn from various ancestral cultures of America (Lakota, Embera, Muisca, Wiwa, Matse) and Asia (Taoism).

The elemental forces are responsible for the manifestation of spirit on planet earth.
By recognizing ourselves as beings of the earth and as part of a great and unique planetary spirit, we will learn to love and respect all forms of life and to manifest our highest purposes of the heart in this existence.

We will learn to honor our own body, our emotions, thoughts, vital fire (spirit) and word as something sacred, because all the forces of the elements are in us. Using these forces of nature to heal ourselves, harmonize ourselves and manifest our dreams.

Sessions are held bi-weekly (every 15 days). The topics to be discussed per session are:
1. Earth: medicine of manifestation, of the mineral kingdom and of the body. In this class we will learn how to work with quartz and power stones.
2. Water: medicine of adaptation, of the plant kingdom and of emotional healing. In this class we will learn how to work with plant baths and fluids (perfumes and puffs with medicinal plants).
3. Fire: medicine of transformation, healing of inner power, and of the animal kingdom. In this class we will learn how to work with the spirits of allied animals or totems. And tobacco medicine.
4. Air: medicine for the expansion of consciousness, mental healing and the kingdom of birds and ancestors. In this class we will learn how to work with feathers and wayras.
5. Ether: medicine of vibration and healing of the word, connection with the elemental kingdoms. In this class we will learn how to work with healing songs.
6. Healing ceremony: In this class we will learn how a medicine altar is built and how the order and timing is carried out in an ancestral healing ceremony. We will also learn energy protection techniques for ceremonies. Read More


Class every 15 days across 3 months (6 sessions)
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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What's Included

  • 6 live shamanism courses

What's Not Included

  • Materials
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