Mother Earth is evolving and in that evolution we as humans have the option to consciously unite in her ascension to the energy of love, the energy of the anahata, the fourth chakra. For this process, it is essential to identify the ego and its influences and to cleanse, harmonize, heal and activate the feminine and masculine energy in the heart.
The hummingbird medicine is for this sacred work. In this retreat, participants can perform intense therapeutic work and walk a path of ancestral wisdom for the opening of the heart through the Spiral School Ego Identification course and hummingbird medicine ceremonies. On this path we will experience openness to unconditional love and help manifest heaven on earth, giving reality to the visions of the spirit and to our purpose and to our path.
In the Spiral School course on ego identification, we will identify and cleanse ourselves of the thoughts and programming that our families have planted in us. We will create awareness about how these thoughts have led us to forms of relationships and relating that generate separation. Through ego identification, we learn how to hunt down the thoughts that give strength to conflict, separation and suffering and how to transform them into thoughts that generate harmony, love and union in our relationships.
We will do deep ego work, identifying and addressing thought programs and patterns that we learned from our parents and develop the spiritual qualities that bring us a more peaceful and balanced union. This work will be supported by the hummingbird medicines of Kambo, Yopo, Coca leaves, and Tobacco, as well as a Temazcal ceremony.
To do the work of fixing the human seed, and to stop giving food to our ego we will follow the hummingbird wisdom of the people of the Amazoniand and the Sierra Nevada, gathered by through these steps;
*Choosing the seed (reasoned knowledge: door of the east-air-five): Conference on the spiral method and on the discernment between the thought of the spirit and the thought of the ego.
*Cleansing the seed (emotional knowledge: door of the west-water-sie): Conference on the forces of the ego: the dramas of control.
*Baptizing the seed (silent knowledge: south gate-cat-fire): Conference on the forces of the spirit: acceptance, innocence, meekness and communication.
*Sowing the seed (practical knowledge: door of the north-earth-uaia): Conference on how to transform the ego from the dramas of control through identification and ancestral perception-changing technique (pagamentos) to heal the life story .
*Verify the sowing in relationships (relational knowledge: door of the center-tamuy-tree of life).
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