New Year's Women's Plant Medicine Retreat

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Vilcabamba, Ecuador
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Up to 6 in group
January 3 - 11, 2025

Retreat Highlights

  • Allpa Mama Healing's Divine Feminine Power Plant Medicine Retreat in January 2025 is designed to help you remember the ancient wisdom within and the importance of honoring our cyclical nature. Learn invaluable knowledge about ways to connect to your feminine principle, starting with the courage to take a pause, put yourself first, and retreat inwards.
  • This transformational women's retreat is full of powerful ceremonies, cleansings and activities, along with nourishing food, snacks, and rest time, so you can go deep into your inner nature.
  • Taita Miguel will lead 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies and a Wilka ceremony, and Katie will lead the San Pedro daytime ceremony.
  • This is a really special and rare opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, and get to know the traditional Ecuadorian culture.
  • Connect with fellow sisters, Mother Earth and your own Spirit in this special retreat in a safe and loving space. You will be able to work with skilled healers, work with sacred plants and explore the natural beauty surrounding this area. We will be a very small group of just 5-6 people, so everyone can receive the attention and love they need.
  • Discounts available if you come with a friend!

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat

9 Day Women's Retreat in the Valley of Longevity - Vilcabamba, Ecuador
New Year Retreat

Set your intentions for the New Year and begin fresh, renewed, connected to Spirit and Mother Earth in this beautiful retreat!

A wonderful retreat to connect with fellow sisters in a safe, loving space. You will have the opportunity to work with Katie & Taita Miguel.

Surrounded by sacred mountains, rivers and waterfalls, in the "sacred valley" of Vilcabamba, Ecuador, we will dive deep into the healing plant medicines of Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Wilka. In addition to ceremonies you will also recieve cleansings, limpias and plant baths, massage and more. We will go hiking to sacred apus or mountains, rivers, and visit ancient ruins in the jungle.

This transformational retreat is full of powerful ceremonies, cleansings and activities, along with nourishing food, snacks, and rest time, so you can go deep into your inner nature.

Plant Medicine Ceremonies:
- 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies
- 1 San Pedro ceremony in daytime
- 1 Wilka ceremony

Activities, Workshops & Excursions:
- Massages
- Limpias, or energetic cleansings
- Plant bath ritual for cleansing energy
- Connecting with the cycles of your womb
- We will also go for hikes to sacred mountains, rivers, waterfalls
- Go to the jungle to see the ancient ruins of Palanda, where some of the earliest evidence of Huilka and Cacao are found, along with a burial or shaman and his family. This will cost about $20 per person for taxis.
- Visit spa with sauna, jacuzzi, pool
- Optional Wilka Seed/Tarot Reading with Miguel ($75)

See more here:


-- Katie is the facilitator and organizer for Allpa Mama Retreats. She is from Chicago, USA, and has lived in Ecuador for 5 years, assisting in Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Wilka ceremonies. She works with San Pedro and gives limpias (energetic cleansings), and does cleansing rituals without medicine as well. She is a student of Mama Mercedes (bio below) and is also a sundancer, having attended several Sundances in Wisconsin with an Ojibwe elder. She is honored to be able to work with these sacred plants, and believes they are here to help us heal, grow, remember the ancient ways of living and connect us with Spirit.

-- Taita Miguel was born in Cuenca, Ecuador and at an early age his perception of spirits and energies were awakened. Since he was 20 years old, he began helping taitas in ceremonies, and some time later he began to perform his own ceremonies. He credits San Pedro to saving his life. He first learned to work with Huachuma (San Pedro) from taitas of the Andes. After this he was introduced to Mama Wilka by a shaman from the North of Bolivia, and was initiated in this almost-lost Inkan tradition. He learned to work with Ayahusaca from several respected Shuar shamans in the jungle of Gualaquiza.
Miguel has a unique ability of being able to feel the pains of other people, just upon meeting them. This helps him give excellent cleansings, which can take away physical, mental and spiritual pains and illnesses.

-- Mama Mercedes is an indigenous ancestral medicine healer from Imbabura Province, near Otavalo. Since she was a young girl, she began working with her special gifts, learning from her grandmother how to work with herbal medicines, traditional midwifery, and energy healing. She has the unique ability to be able to see the problems and illnesses of others, and cures these issues with plants, massage, and energy cleansings and ritual baths. She was elected president of the traditional midwifery organization of Otavalo and is a leader in the indigenous community. She is a woman of wisdom with a big heart and a great laugh. She helps with our retreats in Otavalo.


Max 5-6 guests

Private & shared rooms

Contact Katie in WhatsApp: +593 96 754 8223



Day 1: Arrive around 2 pm. Snack, limpias or energetic cleansings and plant baths. Dinner. Fire to open retreat and set intentions.
Day 2: Meditation & Yoga in the morning. Breakfast. Hike to Mandango mountain today with offerings. Circle to discuss the medicines. Ayahuasca ceremony at night, starting around 8pm

Day 3: Talking circle and opportunity to talk with Miguel and Katie one on one. Breakfast. Go to the river for cleansing. Lunch & Dinner

Day 4: Meditation & Yoga in the morning. Breakfast. Integreation today. People can have Wilka seed readings with Miguel if they like. We will start the Aya ceremony around 8 pm.

Day 5: Today we will be tired, so we will mainly just rest and integrate the experiences. All meals today. Spa visit with jacuzzi, sauna. Massages.

Day 6: Meditation & yoga. Breakfast. Wilka seed reading in the late afternoon. Dinner.

Day 7: Breakfast. We can go to the ruins of Palanda in the jungle today. Lunch & dinner.

Day 8: San Pedro ceremony today beginning around 8:30 am. This will go all day, outside next to grandfather Fire. We will finish around 4pm, share fruits, talk about our experiences. Dinner later.

Day 9: We will have breakfast and finish around 10 am.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change

Getting Here

Location icon Allpa Mama Healing, Vilcabamba, Ecuador


There are a few routes:

Easiest/fastest: Fly to Quito. From there, you can book another flight with Aeroregional to Loja ($85 approx). From there, you can take a taxi to us ($25) in Vilcabamba.

Cheaper options: Fly to Quito and take an overnight bus with Cooperativa Loja. From Loja, take another bus or taxi to us in Vilcabamba. (Bus to Loja is about $28 and 12 hrs).

Or, fly to Guayaquil and take a bus to Loja (8 hours) then another bus (30 mins) or taxi to us in Vilcabamba.


Rustic cabins and pool on site. There is hot water, wifi, and gorgeous views from the house. Private rooms available and private bathrooms.

Retreat price - early bird pricing

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
We will be in the Andes of the "sacred valley" or VilcaBamba in southern Ecuador, nestled in the mountains. There are private rooms available.
Beautiful, rustic cabins with wifi, hot showers, comfortable beds.



Menu Types

We serve simple, healthy foods during the retreat. We offer fresh, local, organic produce and chicken and fish for those who eat it. Meals are mainly vegetarian. We also can make vegan meals.

What's Included

  • 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies
  • 1 San Pedro ceremony
  • 1 Wilka Ceremony
  • Optional Huilka seed psychic readings with Miguel
  • Guided meditations & yoga
  • Energetic cleansings
  • Massages
  • Plant baths for energy cleansing
  • Talking circles and time to meet individually with shaman
  • Fire circle to set intentions with offerings
  • Hiking to sacred mountains, rivers
  • Visit ancient ruins
  • Spa visit with jacuzzi, sauna, steam room, pool

What's Not Included

  • Airfare, taxis & buses during stay, extra snacks and additional excursions. Please purchase travel insurance.

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