Magnolia Experience offers only individual programs that support clients through non-ordinary state of consciousness experiences with psilocybin-containing truffles. The truffle experience is focused on exploring the deeper aspects of your psyche and creating a stronger connection with your true self. Psilocybin-containing truffles will bring you in a non-ordinary state of consciousness, which provides an opportunity to access a deep inner intelligence that can guide a process of healing and transformation.
The body and mind are interconnected. Prolonged physical and (hidden) emotional stress (such as anxiety, anger, loneliness) impact hormone regulation, the nervous system, the immune system, and cause physical and mental ailments. In other words, what we think, believe consciously or unconsciously, feel, or are prevented from feeling, affects our bodies for better or worse. And what our bodies experience from conception onward affect how we think, feel, perceive, and behave.
Being in a non-ordinary state of consciousness tends to engage an ‘inner radar’ that automatically brings into consciousness the contents from the unconsciousness that have the strongest emotional charge, are the most relevant at the time, and most readily available for conscious processing. The healing process involves liberating and discharging the energy bound in emotional and psychosomatic symptoms and converting the symptoms into a stream of experiences. While truffles can act as a powerful catalyst, you are the medicine that heals the relationship with yourself, others and your environment.
The staff at Magnolia understand the nature of psychedelic effects from truffles and the non-linear way they can promote insight and growth. This process is guided by the client’s own inner healing intelligence.
Our approach consists of a personalized approach based on insights from various scientific domains combined with traditional approaches. The process begins with an intake and screening, after which our team assesses if you are a suitable candidate for our truffle program. If deemed suitable, you will be matched with a facilitator who specializes in guiding non-ordinary
state of consciousness experiences. The facilitator will address all your questions and supports you during the whole process - before, during, and after the experience.
Once the program commences, your facilitator will prepare you for the experience and share the preparation and integration workbook. On the day when you consume the truffles, you will be supported by your facilitator. The integration session(s) will occur after the experience day where you discuss with your facilitator the different ways and methods of integrating the experience.
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