Explore your Inner Nature connecting deeply with Outer Nature and refine your awareness of your True Nature. John P. Milton will teach Way of Nature's unique synthesis of Awareness Training, Energy Cultivation, and shamanic connection with Nature... supported by one of North America's most powerful and ancient sacred places, Crestone and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado.
This program will teach you how to come into a deep state of relaxation while simultaneously cultivating a profound experience of Presence. You will learn powerful and practical ways to transmute old patterns and habits. The core of these teachings are based on WoN's universal Twelve Guiding Principles of Natural Liberation: a direct path to Source Awareness that honors the essence of all the world’s great liberating traditions.
Days of Awareness Training and practices, including Qi Gong and Meditation, will prepare you for a 7-day AllOne time nature solo. During the AllOne time you camp beneath 14,000-foot mountain peaks that watch over you with majestic grace. Lovely groves of ponderosa pine, aspen and cottonwood hug the mountain streams, with neighboring forests of juniper and pinyon pine. You will share the land with deer, fox squirrels, hawk, eagle, bobcat, butterflies, and many native plants. This AllOne time gives you the opportunity to deeply integrate the Awareness Training practices with the support of solitude and the beautiful natural flow of wild Nature. Our 300-acre Sacred Land Sanctuary preserve, bordering National Forest, is the ideal home for this experience. And we provide teachings after the AllOne time to help you integrate your new insights and experiences into your daily life.
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