Sacred Passage Meditation Retreat and Awareness Training in Nature

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Way of Nature & Sacred Land Sanctuary, U71 Road, Crestone, CO, USA
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Up to 25 in group
May 21 - June 2, 2025

Retreat Highlights

  • Release blockages and refine your senses through Energy Cultivation practices of Qi Gong, Meditation, and Nature Immersion.
  • Unify Relaxation and Presence in a very deep way, bringing clarity, insight, groundedness, and a sense of integration in one's being.
  • Learn simple shamanic practices for connecting more deeply with Nature.
  • Experience ancient stone meditation seats on sacred land.
  • Explore common-ground approaches toward spiritual liberation, drawing on practices from Taoism, Buddhism, and Shamanic connection with Nature.
  • Guided 7-day solo camping immersion in Nature, near the group but in a private spot, to refine perceptions and deepen awareness practices in a beautiful protected Natural setting (very similar to a vision quest but more relaxed and spacious).
  • Experience authentic communion with Outer Nature, your Inner Nature, and your True Nature (your Source of being).
  • Teachings with Way of Nature founder, John P. Milton, for several days before and after the solo camping retreat portion.
  • Meet new friends from all over the world.

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat

Explore your Inner Nature connecting deeply with Outer Nature and refine your awareness of your True Nature. John P. Milton will teach Way of Nature's unique synthesis of Awareness Training, Energy Cultivation, and shamanic connection with Nature... supported by one of North America's most powerful and ancient sacred places, Crestone and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado.

This program will teach you how to come into a deep state of relaxation while simultaneously cultivating a profound experience of Presence. You will learn powerful and practical ways to transmute old patterns and habits. The core of these teachings are based on WoN's universal Twelve Guiding Principles of Natural Liberation: a direct path to Source Awareness that honors the essence of all the world’s great liberating traditions.

Days of Awareness Training and practices, including Qi Gong and Meditation, will prepare you for a 7-day AllOne time nature solo. During the AllOne time you camp beneath 14,000-foot mountain peaks that watch over you with majestic grace. Lovely groves of ponderosa pine, aspen and cottonwood hug the mountain streams, with neighboring forests of juniper and pinyon pine. You will share the land with deer, fox squirrels, hawk, eagle, bobcat, butterflies, and many native plants. This AllOne time gives you the opportunity to deeply integrate the Awareness Training practices with the support of solitude and the beautiful natural flow of wild Nature. Our 300-acre Sacred Land Sanctuary preserve, bordering National Forest, is the ideal home for this experience. And we provide teachings after the AllOne time to help you integrate your new insights and experiences into your daily life. Read More


Morning Qi Gong and energy cultivation, beginning around 9:00am.
Teachings with John Milton, with group seated in a circle.
2 hour break for lunch.
Afternoon teachings.
Break for dinner (bring your food... often groups gather casually to eat together, and sometimes people go to town for dinner during the teaching days before the solo camp days... And solo camp days you pack in your food or optional Master Cleanse Fast which we can give instructions for).
Evening free time and star-gazing (often groups gather for sharing and story time but this is optional and quiet personal time is also supported).
Note: The first date listed in the schedule is arrival day and the final date listed is departure travel day. You may arrive one day early if you need to ensure arriving before sunset.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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Getting Here

Location icon Way of Nature, Way of Nature & Sacred Land Sanctuary, U71 Road, Crestone, CO, USA


If flying in, we can pick you up at San Luis Valley Regional Airport in Alamosa, Colorado (ALS). Connecting flights through Denver International Airport (DEN). Book connecting flight at
Also, you could take the 4 hr bus from Denver to Moffat town bus stop, if you get the 11:30am "A Line" train from DEN airport to Denver Union Station then bus to Moffat (through Salida) and we pick you up at Moffat bus stop 6:00pm.
(We do Airport pick ups ONLY from Alamosa (ALS)). You are welcome to arrive a day early to settle in with more time. More detailed instructions here:
Look forward to seeing you soon! Read More


Basecamp campground during teaching days, and secondary forest camping during solo retreat days on our 300-acre protected Sacred Land Sanctuary bordering National Forest. Bring a water filter to filter drinking water from the fresh mountain stream. Campground has latrine-style / outhouse-style composting toilets, with hand wash stations with soap and water. No prior camping experience needed, as we can help you pitch your tent the first time and teach basic camp skills. For solo camp days, must be able to trail walk 200 meters minimum, and up to half mile depending on your abilities.

Program Price Read More

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
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Pool icon Pool
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Free Parking icon Free Parking
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Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
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Cafe icon Cafe
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Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
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Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
Camp in Beautiful Colorado mountain forest at 8000 feet elevation, with a mix of sun and shade, in a site that has been a sacred pilgrimage site for thousands of years, including stone meditation seats. Amazing fresh mountain stream for you to filter drinking water. Basic camp cooking area with gas camp stove, pots and pans. Natural grocery store and cafe are 25-minute walk away for during teaching days and to supply for solo camping days -- food storage bins provided but no refrigeration. Read More

What's Included

  • Teachings with meditation master and shaman, John P. Milton, supported by teacher Brad Kahland.
  • 12 nights camping at Way of Nature Sacred Land Sanctuary in Crestone, Colorado (participants provide own camping gear, ask about rental options).
  • Airport pick-up from San Luis Valley Regional Airport in Alamosa, Colorado, or from bus stop in Moffat, Colorado.

What's Not Included

  • Airfare not included.
  • Food and meals not included (Natural grocery store and cafe 25-minute walk away for during teaching days and to supply for solo camping days -- food storage bins provided but no refrigeration).
  • Camping equipment not included (ask for gear rental options).
  • Bring a water filter to filter drinking water from our fresh Colorado mountain stream.
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