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200hrs 28 Days Tantra Arts Shamanism Yoga Teacher Training Ecuador

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Via al Ilalo, Quito, Ecuador
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Up to 25 in group
March 30 - April 26, 2025

Retreat Highlights

  • Learn to teach an inspiring, intuitive and deeply meditative yoga practice
  • Unify body, mind and spirit through yoga and learn how to integrate tantric philosophy into your daily life
  • Engage in a personal and transformative process in a beautiful and intimate learning environment
  • Get in contact with the culture of South America and experience the similarities between its shamanic Cosmovision and the ancient indian teachings
  • Discover your personal light and shadows through a range of experience based Art forms such as dance, shamanic clown or applied tantric philosophy
  • Discover the importance of the ritual
  • Enjoy 3 delicious, healthy, vegetarian meals per day

About this Retreat

Details of this retreat

Do you want to experience the holistic Tantric yogic path to becoming your own guru?
Do you want to learn how to connect with your sexual energy to create a deeper intimacy from the power of the heart?
Do you want to learn tantric and shamanic rituals for self-empowerment?
Do you want to understand that life is an art and you can create your own reality?
Do you want to learn how to trust in the community while you can be not only blissful but also accepted for your anger, sadness, and fear?
Would you like to discover bliss in everyday moments?
Become a creative, vulnerable, and powerful Yoga Teacher!

Saying YES, jump into a trusting the flow of existence... are you in?

In a world spinning faster every day, we create a path that connects old wisdom with our everyday live to be the vibrant humans we are meant to be.

The traditional roots awaken in our inherent cell memory. You don't need specific previous experience to come to this course. The Kaula Tantra Yoga is a practice that can be afforded from the point where you are now and it allows you to dive into yoga, becoming aware of your limits and possibilities and working with them respectfully.

As a future teacher, you learn how to bring people into awareness during the yoga practice. And during life.

Applied Yogic-Tantric wisdom, arts and shamanism are tools that we use to dive into the theoretical part through experiencing the playfulness, creat. Through dancing the dualitys we allow love to flow. We spiral lightful energy into a chaotic world, to create abundant islands where we do not have to function, but where the dignity to be a human can be lived. A world held alive for future generations.

This is an experience-oriented teacher training

The course content is focused on Kaula Tantra Yoga

Other complementary techniques and subjects:

Meditations, Chakra work, Hatha/Raja Yoga, Pranayama, Kriya yoga, psycology of Chakras, Intuitive Anatomy, Mantra and Sacred Songs chanting

Other practices:

Applied Tantra Philosophy, Heyoca – the shamanic clown, Expressive arts of the being, Shamanistic practices, Tantric and Shamanic rituals, Durga’s Tiger Dance, Voice work

Sample Schedule

6:30 meditation
9:00 - 13:00 morning classes
16:00 - 19:00 afternoon classes
20:00 - 22:00 night labs (only twice or three times per week)

is rooted in Uttara Shaivism, or Kashmiri Shaivism, one of six Śiva traditions. This is a unique sequence that follows a lineage of 5,000 years. The series taught at Durga’s Tiger School is delivered directly from the teachings of Bhagavan Shanmuka Anantha Natha at Shri Kali yoga, in India.

This practice works through deep relaxation where students learn the feeling of flowing into asana without struggle, while each asana is practiced in a slow manner to build patience and awareness of body movement. In this way, each individual finds their unique way of expressing the asana without the pressure of competition or ‘performing perfectly’.

Tantra Yoga facilitators approach students as whole human beings and discourage ‘isolating’ or forcing muscles. Their priority is to hold a space of acceptance and love, with reserved guidance when necessary.

This type of yoga is a meditative flow, completed by the practice of bandha holds, pranayama, mantra chanting, and Samadhi, through seated meditation to develop a deeper form of yogic understanding.

During their time at Durga’s Tiger School, students will explore the tantra yogic lifestyle, philosophy, and arts.


In Hatha Yoga practice students move the stagnation of the body and mind. Through asana, meditation, pranayama and yogic philosophy we meet our physical and spiritual strength that cultivates the energy that empowers our lives. This practice is complimentary to Tantra Yoga as it gives students a perspective yogic style that comes from the evolution of traditional tantra yoga, enabling students to gain a deeper understanding of both Hatha and Tantra.

(select courses will feature partner yoga)


Through Kundalini yoga, students learn another approach to energy work in yoga. Students explore pranayama, chakras theory, the concept and work of the Kundalini energy. Students explore and cultivate the energy of the two poles, masculine and feminine inside of themselves and all around.

Please note: we don’t train the modern Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.


Durga’s Tiger Dance is a form of movement developed by Iris Disse based on tantric energy work and techniques of “liberation of the voice”.

When we TURN ON to feeling, we allow things to move within us, old patterns become visible to be dissolved, fears are slowly disempowered, there is a BANG! and our inner potential... unleashed.

We invite you not to judge the feelings that arise but allow your inner witness to guide your experience.

"I dance with Durga´s Tiger. My demons are moved, emerge, and dissolve in the light of breath, voice, and movement. My voice makes every cell vibrate."


As we are living in Ecuador with a huge American Indian population, students have the opportunity to learn about Andean culture, its Cosmovision, and its similarities with the Tibetan Tantric tradition.

The parallels are slowly unveiled, weaving together both understandings of energy, astrology, subtle anatomy, and physiology of the bodies.

The TEMAZCAL is part of the program as a come-together and healing ritual

The Intention of the Durga’s Tiger School Temazcal is to allow Healing, energetical cleansing and Last but not least to allow the TTC Groups to connect as the spiritual community that we are. This is why it is a community Temazcal.

Shamanic Clown — Between Ritual & Play is an energetic fusion of techniques such as improvisation, clowning, dancing, musical/rhythm work, meditation, and practical shamanism. Through these exercises, you can integrate the foundations of ART into LIFE.

Some themes we work on are connecting with the inner child, connecting with intuition, developing the right brain activity to enhance lateral thinking, releasing old patterns and blockages, opening senses to the present moment, and group work that fosters loving, compassionate ways of relating.

With these skills you begin to increase your creativity and may open to a new perspective completely.


These classes are a powerful opportunity for self-discovery through dynamic group and partner work.

Please note: there is no nudity or sexual contact

We come together to open to life; learning to embrace the dual nature of reality, dancing between beauty, chaos, magic, intensity, and intimacy — we begin to make a clear connection between yoga, sacred sexuality, and art.

How can I integrate the liveliness of new experiences into my everyday life and relations?


We will approach the vision and methodology of the Kaula Tantra yoga practice in these classes. We will develop a connection with our inner body intelligence, learn how to read it better, and act according to its current needs. It’s about the combined powers of the mind and the physical body and the effect of being totally in harmony with the messages we perceive from our bodies in each moment.

We will learn the main principles of tantra philosophy, the Ayurvedic knowledge, alignment, Pranayama to understand the traditional yoga practice and its benefit on the whole human being in all its levels- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.


Mantras, the science of sound, in Tantra, represent a powerful tool for the liberation of the mind and connection with higher states of consciousness. We explore different mantras during our meditation practices, mantra chanting circles, and yoga practice.

We use mantras and sacred songs of indigenous cultures to connect with the spirits of nature and the mystery of creation.

The teacher training also involves chanting spiritual “come together” songs from different cultures.

Students explore the vibration that the sound creates within us and at the same time they learn about the use of the voice as a tool to guide people into yoga practice.

We will discover the joy and the importance of support and be supported, through this experiencing the delight of giving and receiving. The challenge is, how do you cultivate and care for your sacred space, but also nurture your partner’s needs and desires?

In these classes we will continue to work with the asanas of the Kaula Tantra series; through the tantric wisdom approach, we cultivate focus in presence, senses, connection, and body communication. Through these functions, we enter into the dance of Shiva and Shakti.

(select courses will feature partner yoga)


Derived from Ayurvedic wisdom this ancient foot massage was used to prepare warriors for battle as well as open the physical and energetic bodies for the Yoga practice.

Working with partners it’s a very effective, meditative, and intuitive way to give and receive before the Yoga practice. The massage activates important Marma Points as well as softens the muscles.

Karma Yoga is part of the learning process of community life.

We help each other to maintain a common space, and by focusing energy in the collective, we come together to maintain a high vibrational space.

Through karma yoga, we keep in contact with the Earth (PachaMama) and her fruits while we contribute to the well-being of the collective environment.

Living in the ashram enables students to focus intensively on their training, away from everyday tasks and distractions; allowing them to fully immerse themselves in a process of learning and self-discovery.

An energetic group environment is created, enabling students to share their experiences and learning processes; in turn, collectively deepening their understanding of tantra and yogic practices.


We are an international team composed of about 20 passionate and motivated people with amazing backgrounds specializing in various fields and aspects of yoga.

Each teacher comes with a unique design of class that is perfectly integrated into the main teacher training choreography that is the base of our program. The schedule of teachers is not a fixed plan, as the school is confident that each teacher will deliver what is best for each course.

We are a rotating team to keep the energy high and fresh in the trainings during the whole year.

We ask that you enter the course with an open mind to EXPERIENCE and allow each encounter to guide you to a deeper understanding within your SELF. The knowledge gained through experience is a core part of the Tantric perspective and for this reason, the course is not entrenched in theory.

Extras & weekend offers

Day trips to hot springs, the mountains or to Otavalo Market etc.

Shamanic experiences (power plants, Temazcal, etc) can be explored after the training

* Tigersmile*

We were honored by BookRetreat’s as one of the top 5 yoga schools worldwide to complete an internationally recognized Advanced Yoga Teacher degree (500 hrs YA). Also, Durga’s Tiger School was recognized as one of the 7 Most Empowering Tantra TTCs.

Link to Articles: Read More


6:30 - 7:30 meditation
7:40 breakfast
9:30 - 13:00 morning classes
13:10 lunch
16:00 - 19:00 afternoon class
19:10 dinner
20:15 - 22:00 night class (twice or three days per week)
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change
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Getting Here

Location icon Durga's Tiger School for Tantra Yoga Shamanism, Via al Ilalo, Quito, Ecuador


Directions for taxi drivers

Arriving from Quito you’ll enter in Tumbaco through the Interoceánica. You will see a Santa María supermarket on your right, keep going straight on for about one kilometer more. Turn right on Guayaquil Street, opposite a “Gasolinera Primax” (gas station) by the “Semaforo” light. Drive towards the “Colegio Pachamama,” cross a bridge over the “Ruta Viva” highway, until you get to a big football field in Rumihuaico area (Comuna Leopoldo Chávez). Go straight up to the hill, after 100 meters the street makes a Y split. Then you keep right (the opposite direction from Pachamama) uphill on the new paved road. Continue 1.5 kilometers, more or less, and on the right side you will see a blue house. Casa Kiliku is directly behind it. Look for the little sign that says “Casa Kiliku lote 169”.

If you arrive by the Ruta Viva from Quito take the exit after “Intervalles,” just after the 8th Km. This entrance doesn’t have a sign, it’s located between “Intervalles” exit and “Tola Chica” exit. It goes up to a bridge that connects with “Calle Carchi”. When you arrive up to the bridge you turn right and continue until you reach Rumihuaico football field. From there follow directions as explained above.
From the airport by the Ruta Viva you enter after “Tola Chica” exit. (KM 8th). When you get to the bridge that connects with “Calle Carchi”, you turn left.
If you take the wrong exit and you enter from “Tola Chica,” you’ll find another bridge where you can turn back and follow a lateral street of Ruta Viva until the bridge that connects with “Calle Carchi.” Read More


Spacious double or triple rooms Shared Bathrooms Balconies or Verandas Single or double beds with good matrasses

200 hours YTT shared double / triple room Read More
Early bird shared room - valid until 60 days before the starting date - 300$ OFF Read More
200 hours YTT single room with shared bathroom Read More
Early bird single room - valid until 60 days before the starting date - 300$ OFF Read More

Venue & Amenities

Venue & Amenities
Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms icon A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi icon Free Wifi
Spa icon Spa
Sauna icon Sauna
Pool icon Pool
Towels icon Towels
Free Parking icon Free Parking
Kitchen icon Kitchen
Tour Assistance icon Tour Assistance
Hot Tub icon Hot Tub
Coffee/Tea icon Coffee/Tea
Cafe icon Cafe
Restaurant icon Restaurant
Fitness Center icon Fitness Center
Yoga Studio icon Yoga Studio
Housekeeping icon Housekeeping
Bicycles For Rent icon Bicycles For Rent
All our training happen in space where you can enjoy the contact with nature and its elements
In Ecuador you will be in the Andes, close to Tumbaco Village
In Europe we choose different location in nature and in contact with community projects. Read More



Menu Types

All meals are prepared with a lot of love mixing the tradition with healthy and conscious recipes. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also available. Read More

What's Included

  • accommodation in single, double or triple room
  • laundry of towels (once per week) and sheets (once every two weeks)
  • 3 vegetarian meals per day
  • 200 or 300 or 500 hours course with YAI / YA certification
  • healing ceremonies (not with medicinal master plants)
  • digital notes and personal self-manual

What's Not Included

  • your personal laundry
  • transfer from / to the airport
  • cleansing of rooms (being part of Karma Yoga)
  • trips to places of turistic interest
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