Gabriel Grimaldi

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

I started on the path of yoga 7 years ago with the aim to find balance and wellbeing. The more I practiced the more I wanted to know and that lead me to travel all over the world to try different yoga styles and practice with many teachers until I found the one that resonated with me: Jnana yoga, the path of knowledge. The method I practice is self-inquiry: mainly this is going deep into the “I am” sense in the search of our true nature.
I was introduced to self-inquiry by Mooji in India and recognized the truth in what he said immediately. After a year practicing every day I came upon Ramana Maharshi’s teachings and that clarified the path even more.
I have been in the search of truth from a very young age already and I can say that the path of yoga exposed that truth in a clear way, in a way that I could understand it, and that is what I would like to share with you.

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