Donna Weber

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Donna Weber is a certified life coach, including Bob Goff’s Dream Big coaching certification and an Enneagram Practitioner and Coach certification (pending completion).

Donna believes that our stories and how we live into them have a shaping influence on who we are, how we show up, how we move forward, and what we bring to others and the world. Her own journey includes raising a neuroatypical daughter and living the long grief of Alzheimer’s with both of her parents. She became a coach because she loves relationships centered around conversation and self-discovery—exploring big questions, sharing difficulties, finding courage, and celebrating each step. Most of all, Donna is a seeker, a learner, and an encourager. She intends to keep doing all three until her last breath.

Donna answers “Yes” to the question “Mountains OR Ocean?” but Texas is where she lives and dances with her husband Tim. Team Weber also includes two interesting, fun, good-hearted young adults.

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