Nayaswami Atmajyoti Schwarz, PhD

About the Teacher

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Nayaswami Atmajyoti is an Ananda Assisi Retreat teacher and has lived at Ananda for 10 years - first in California, USA (Ananda Village and Ananda Palo Alto), then Ananda India and now at Ananda Assisi (Italy). She teaches spiritual transformation courses for businesses and for other types of workplaces (i.e. governmental institutions, hospitals, schools, as well as nonprofit/educational/service/art organizations).

Nayaswami Atmajyoti has a Ph.D. in Strategic Thinking from the University of Southampton, U.K., and has more than 30 years of international working experience as a business consultant and executive trainer to governing bodies and various multinational corporations (e.g., U.S., Europe, India, South America, Southeast Asia), in sectors such as finance, telecommunications, energy, manufacturing, government, education, the arts, and nonprofit organizations. From 1999-2010 she served as Associate Professor at the University of Southampton (UK), and for 4 years she was a Visiting Professor at MIP polytechnic in Milan, Italy. She founded and directed the " Strategic Renewal" Research Center at the University of Southampton , UK.

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