Scott & Alex

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Scott is a father, musician, poet, medicine carrier and shadow worker. While working through the shadows of his past addictions, Kambo as well as other sacred medicines crossed his path. He noticed a major shift in his life after sitting with Kambo a lone. The medicine later guided him to leave the entertainment industry to lead a life of service. Scott has been helping men and women connect to their warrior spirit by facing their shadows through means of this sacred work.

Alex (Soul Drummer) is a Ceremonialist, Integration Coach and Women’s Empowerment Advocate. Her battle with endometriosis lead her to seek out many healing modalities and make it her life mission to connect deeply with her body, mind and spirit. This meant studying nature’s medicine from around the world. Her studies include child development, ethnic studies, yoga, detox, and plant/animal medicine. She encourages people to connect to their inner healer to reclaim their sovereignty.

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