Chandler Jerrico

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Chandler once lived a life where he lived in a constant state of achievement. Perfectly plugged into the matrix, achieving everything that he believed would make him happy. Attempting to master the physical world, he neglected the inner worlds. Distracting himself with shiny objects and never listening to the inner spirits.

After many universal signs and synchronicities, he has made the decision with his fiancé to detach from all materialistic items, explore new cultures, and dedicate their self to guide those who seek more. Teaching those who have been or still are a part of the "rat race" and still are not fulfilled. He teaches from a path he once walked and guides with tools he used to begin a path of self realization and soul alignment. Ranging from a variety of tools such as dietary adjustments, meditation, self awareness, plant medicines, and exercise routines.

Whether you are looking to totally shed your old life and step into a new light or simply looking to learn some new tools to integrate into your life for a greater sense of self awareness, its worth reaching out to ask a few questions.

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