Tim Snell

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Tim has traveled around the world, and he has a keen intuition for incredible places.

Tim is an international speaker on leadership, a Yogi and Coach who has walked the healer path for more than a decade. His travels have taken him to more than 50 countries, including many of the world's sacred sites. He has studied natural wisdom and worked with shamans in the mountains and the Amazon in Peru.

Each year Tim speaks publicly on leadership, personal development and professional development. He captivates his audience through his deep connection to the natural world and passion for connecting heads to hearts for deep transformation.

Tim is a trained and certified Coach, Yoga Teacher and a Flow Consultant for Entrepreneurs Institute. He is attuned to Reiki Level II, a certified Natural Wisdom Leader and teaches both Diamond Light healing and Diamond Light Numerology. Finally, Tim is studying Soma Breathwork.

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