Zander Hathaway

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Zander strives to co-create a thriving and joyful world by living in harmony with nature and sharing solutions. He lives in the Diamante Valley of Costa Rica, where he works as an English teacher and natural health coach. Born in the Silicon Valley of California and raised on a standard industrial diet with a very sedentary lifestyle, he developed a number of health challenges at an early age. At 19, he was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in this his neck, and he felt it throughout his body. Conventional allopathic medicine only made things worse, but he found natural modalities that helped. During this exploration, Zander realized that some of the most holistic practices -- like rewilding, eating a raw plant-based diet, barefoot walking, earthing, grounding, meditation, yoga, calisthenics, breathwork, sunbathing, permaculture, natural building, and communal living -- share a common thread. Our closest relatives in the wild are modeling the essence of these activities naturally. After researching great apes further, he concluded that by understanding our fellow apes, we can better understand our own "inner great ape". By living in alignment with our natural adaptations, we can enjoy greater health, happiness, and freedom. Zander currently offers Ape Living retreats and health coaching by donation.

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