About the Teacher

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Garrett Lowry is a passionate and experienced outdoorsman and adventurer who enjoys running, rock and mountain climbing, wilderness camping, backcountry hiking, downhill skiing, mountain biking, kayaking, whitewater rafting, scuba diving, piloting his glider soarplane, and western dancing. He has competed in hundreds of 10k road races, marathons, and triathlons.

As a cowboy, he is also an experienced horseback rider who has owned dozens of horses throughout his career. He has traveled extensively worldwide, but has been drawn to the west all his life and moved to Arizona in the 1980s from the St. Louis area to enjoy the extensive outdoor opportunities available here. He possesses a broad knowledge of the rich history of the “old west” and Native American culture, as well as the incredible beauty of Arizona, and has been guiding people on adventurous activities and tours here for over 30 years.

Garrett has over 50 years of experience in the business world and has founded several successful companies, including an adventurous activities western-themed tourist business in the Phoenix area. In addition, he spent many years as a successful financial consultant and investment manager for several major Wall Street firms. He also served in the U.S. Army as an Infantry Officer and in the Finance Corp.

Garrett’s spirituality has grown significantly over the past two decades and is manifested in his practice of Hatha and Siddha Yoga, Tai Chi, and daily meditation. He strongly believes in sharing his blessings and giving back to others through numerous types of charitable and community service he is involved with. Garrett has trained and practiced as a Stephen Minister and a Unity Chaplain. He has also worked with local jail inmates in a pioneer mentoring program. He is a graduate of the Phoenix Valley Leadership program. Garrett continually seeks to expand his consciousness and enlightenment through meditation and connecting with the God-Spirit within.

He is an accomplished painting artist and published author of four books: his autobiography titled: “From Suit to Stetson: A Spiritual Journey from Orphanage to Businessman to Cowboy. . . and Beyond”; the exciting novel titled “Some Dreams are for Real“; the inspirational “The Many Lives of a Reluctant Spirit Guide – as told by White Feather, an Apache Warrior“, and his latest book “Cowboy & Cowgirl Wisdom and Native American Truths: Frontier Inspiration and Insight for an Exemplary life”. All are available at Read More

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