Fiona Kirwan

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

SowaSoma was founded by Fiona and Neil, a husband and wife team who have been working with medicinal plants for over a decade. For the past six years they have held retreats and ceremonies in Europe. Two years ago they decided to take their family and work and relocate to Costa Rica's Caribbean coast, to further deepen their connection to Ayahuasca and the jungle.

During Fiona's time in the medicine world, she has sat in many circles both indigenous and non indigenous to the Amazon. She has come to know and learn from lineages within the Shipibo-Konibo and Huni Kuin tribes and continues to learn with plants through master plant dietas, these include White Sage, Rose and Mugwort.

Fiona is particularly passionate about supporting woman in ceremony, helping to create as much of a safe environment as possible. This work extends to helping women to integrate plants into their daily lives to tune into and fully embrace their cycles.

In addition to plant medicine facilitation, Fiona offers preparation and integration coaching and menstruation mentoring.

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