Manucra Carol Piovano

About the Teacher

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Manucra Carol Piovano
Family&Evolutionary Constellattions
Holistic Counseling

I was born in 1976, in October, in the Alps, in Valle d'Aosta, Italy.
My path, like that of each of us, begins with my Life itself: the Great Teacher and personally, I consider it a fortune to have been able to grow up in a place where nature still prevails royal and wild, dispensing ancient teachings.
Since I was a child I have been asking myself important questions which, around the age of twenty, became vital to answer.
Thus began a real journey of understanding, made of experiences, places, people, study and listening.
Along the way I encountered many practices, much wisdom and much love.
It was around the age of thirty that I began to perceive that I was part of something big, to feel a link between my destiny and that of those who preceded me.
It was then that I met Family Constellations, discovering and experiencing the history that binds us to our Family System, the deep love that moves us and the intrinsic connection that unites everyone and everything.
Among all the practices I have experienced, Bert Hellinger's great work, called Family and/or Spirit Constellations, is the one that most "touched" me, the one I fell in love with and wanted to deepen.
Today I am a holistic practitioner and counselor, specialized in family and evolutionary constellations.
I have acquired the ability to observe ourselves as part of one and more systems, aware that we are all connected.

Operatore iscritto al registro ISCA
International Systemic Association
Membership number: 55727320

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