
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Maria is a soft and intelligent soul, committed to the healing of her own heart and to spreading her embodied wisdom through space-holding, caring, and being a mirror of love for other beings.

She has a background in science (molecular biology & cognitive neuroscience), but her life journey pulled her toward a deeper investigation of Eastern spirituality and American shamanism. She went to India to study yoga and deepen herself in different meditation practices and is mainly committed to Hrydaia Yoga, the yoga of the spiritual heart.

As a transpersonal coach, Maria supports women in their spiritual journeys and their growth towards wholesomeness. She also offers support for preparation and integration of psychedelic journeys and is a yoga & meditation teacher.

She has extensive experience working with medicinal plants, both at a personal level, by healing and learning in South America, and professionally, by working for years at the Synthesis Institute, one of the golden standards for psychedelic facilitation and education. Here she also carried out scientific research on psychedelics presenting her work at different international conferences.

Maria currently lives with her van, Joy, traveling throughout Europe, deepening her spiritual life through connection with nature, conscious communities, music, yoga, and, at every step, contributing to the manifestation of her vision: that of a healed, open-hearted, and harmonious humanity. Read More

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