
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

​​I'm Oliver, from the UK and a teacher by profession. I work in an international university in Barcelona and teach English in the village where I live.

I embarked upon a process with psilocybin mushrooms in 2018. Approaching the age of 50, and feeling restless and adventurous, I took a high dose of mushrooms in a controlled setting with a therapist. Since then I have worked with altered states of consciousness to create a series of changes in my life. I moved to the countryside, got married, started gardening and generally started to value and prioritise relationships in a way that I had not done previously.

I explored practices such as meditation, drumming and chanting as a way of making me more centred in my body and in the present. I have travelled to Mexico to participate in ceremonies with curanderas and also to share knowledge with them. In addition, I started to accompany others who wished to experience a journey with psilocybin mushrooms in a controlled environment and also became active within the Psychedelic Society of Barcelona, helping to organise events and participating in discussions.

More recently I have been exploring a range of therapeutic techniques such as reiki and sound therapy both for personal development and also to accompany others, whether it be on a psychedelic journey or for more everyday therapeutic purposes.

I also take great pleasure in cultivating psilocybe mushrooms.

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