
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

I’m Carla, a psychonaut convinced of the transformative power of working with expanded states of consciousness and its integration through a spiritual path.

Psychedelics and yoga are two tools that have brought me back home, helping to reconcile me with my body and to live from a more serene place.

I believe in the capacity of psychedelic substances to catalyse change at a collective level to such an extent that it is practically a duty to share what I have learned and I do it in various ways: organising events for psychonauts, holding the space in psychedelic journeys and running a yoga studio at the Catalan coast.

I have no pretensions about guiding you, but rather see my role as accompanying you. I believe that what is fundamental is that each person finds, or creates a container for the experience that does not collide with their cosmovision. Rather, it should adapt to each person's cultural heritage. One must understand what one carries in order to reconcile to it.

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