
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Pema is an experienced meditation teacher with over a decade of dedicated practice in Tibetan Buddhism, specifically in the Dzogchen tradition. He learned from respected teachers like H.H. The Dalai Lama, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, and his Guru, Loppon Jigme Rinpoche.
​Losing both parents deeply affected Pema during his childhood, sparking a strong desire to understand the meaning of life. He initially found comfort in music, which led to a successful career. However, despite his achievements, he felt an ongoing emptiness. This inner struggle eventually led him into a very deep depression.
​At his lowest point, on the brink of despair, he realized that all thoughts and emotions are merely essence-less projections of the mind. Renouncing material attachments, Pema set out on a journey around the world to explore the workings of the human mind. He studied with some of the greatest Buddhist masters and yogis, and spent years in intensive meditation retreats.
​Pema's teachings are rooted in tradition but are also practical, offering insights from his own experience and wisdom.

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