Trevor Bird- Certified IFS Coach

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

When you are not living within integrity, you experience symptoms that disrupt your life.

Not sleeping, ruminating on ongoing problems.

Constantly putting out fires.

Feeling isolated because you have to do it alone with no sounding board or support.

Relationships suffer.

You hide vulnerability to avoid external criticism and judgment.

You need to be the one with all of the answers.

Being at the helm of a large business with over 5 mil in revenue and over 140 employees, I know exactly what it's like to be constantly running through checklists, glued to email, organizing launches, neglecting my family, my health, restructuring employees,negotiating contracts, and working within the dynamics of the complexity of business relationships with partners and firms.

This is a big weight for one person to carry alone. And they shouldn't have to. I know, I carried it for over a decade in my leadership role as an entrepreneur.

 It is very difficult for leaders to admit to themselves, and especially to others, "I don't know what to do."

After all, you are the leader of your family or circle.

So my first question is: What happens when you get caught up in the identity of your career, or your leadership role?

At first, it will be the source of success, until it envelops you and becomes you and you start to lose connection with how you experience life.

My second question is; how are things going now, compared to your original vision?

Typically there are big and unexpected challenges along the way you didn't expect in the beginning. But it is hard to find the right support network that truly understands that kind of pressure.

This retreat can help you by providing a place to connect with your fellow man. Have a sounding board to help you think through your options and make sense of the complicated inner conflicts. When you feel like everyone else can quit but you, this is when having a community that really makes a difference. If your significant other either doesn't understand your problems or is tired of hearing about them, this will help. If you can't talk to anyone else or you feel isolated about being out of ideas or being stuck, This will help. When the loop of anxiety, uncertainty, guilt, frustration continue on repeat, This retreat will help.

We will work through challenges, gain clarity from all of your inner conflicts so that you can move forward with integrity in all areas of your life, so you can learn to lead yourself to lead others.

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