James Santoriegos

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Several times I have been asked how I got started on this spiritual path, which actually begins long before our birth, from our life planning, but many times we realize that we are walking this path through the so-called "personal crises", which I have called "personal blessings" without them the road to a new awakening would be longer.

Graduated as an industrial engineer and with a professional corporate experience in the field of supply, with a very analytical mind, the bandages are being removed to see a new reality beyond the material and thus deepen techniques based on energy and the heart. This learning of new techniques was born as a personal need to heal wounds on an emotional and spiritual level, understanding the benefit they have had in my life, I seek to share these experiences with more souls in search of a holistic healing for their continuous evolution of consciousness breaking and recognizing harmful patterns.

What healing techniques do I work on as an energy therapist?

Reiki Master's Degree: Initiated on the path of Reiki to the level of Mastery by Reiki Master and psychologist Carlos Carrera
Alma Reading: Initiated in Guatemala by Maestra Nicole Postel
Energy Restructuring and Mental Reprogramming with Dowsing: Started in Chile by teacher Nicole Postel
Evolutionary Tarot: Initiated in Guatemala by Psychologist Leslie Muñoz
Sacred Geometry: Originally Posted in Guatemala by Ceci Paz
Sacred Meditations Facilitator: Certified by the Spanish Institute of Psychology and Alternative Medicines
Guide to Sacred Medicine Ceremonies: Space Holder Program by The Fungy Academy
These techniques are not independent of each other, but during the sessions complement each other to have a more comprehensive healing effect.

Usui Reiki Course
Healing techniques are taught through the channeling of universal energy. Basic principles, symbols, and practices of laying on of hands are learned to balance and heal the different aspects: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Sacred Geometry Workshop
In the sacred geometry workshop, we explore shapes such as the Flower of Life and Metatron's Cube, discovering their beauty and spiritual significance. Together, we create and share in a loving environment, connecting with these geometries to enhance our spirituality.

Awakening Program
In this process you will have a face-to-face encounter with your current version from love, in an objective way, without guilt or judgment, without pressure or demands; knowing and integrating all your light and shadow to then reach a state of Being that you cannot measure today.

Alma Reading
Reading focuses on what the person needs to learn, contribute, recognize, transmute, etc. in the present moment. That which prevents or hinders the unfolding of potentialities is revealed, and the blocked energy is cleansed.

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