Sophie-Charlotte Alice Adler, MSc, is a psychologist, hypnotherapist, researcher and author. She has specialised in working with altered states of consciousness since 2017 and has been supervising ketamine infusions at Instituto Dr. Scheib in Mallorca since 2018. In Autumn 2020 she built up a private practice for Dr. Scheib in Berlin where Ketamine Therapy is offered. Ketamine (off-label use) is currently the only legally available and approved psychedelic substance. With the support of Dr Mario Scheib and Prof Revenstorf, Sophie Adler developed an innovative therapy method, the "Ketamine Hypnosis Package" (KHP).
Since 2018, she has accompanied over 400 ketamine infusions as a psychologist and hypnotherapist. In 2020, her book ""Altered States of Consciousness - New Paths in Psychotherapy? The Potential of the Psychoactive Substance Psilocybin“" was published by Carl-Auer in Germany.
She is the founder of ACSMINDWORKS - a group of specialists working on healing and states of consciousness in a variety of ways ( Sophie-Charlotte Adler is a member of the MIND Foundation as well as the KRIYA- Consultation Group with Dr. Raquel Bennett and Dr. Jessica Katzman in California.
Sophie will be lecturing on the Inwardbound Introduction to Psychedelic Therapy training progamme
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