Stephanie Hamod

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Hello beautiful souls!

I’m Stephanie and it was actually through experiencing the power of an extended juice cleanse with Alkalize Me several years ago that helped lead me to where I am today - transitioning from a high-flying career in corporate banking to becoming an intuitive coach, focused on mastering energy, spiritual hypnotherapy and harmonising with the subtle cycles of nature.

Following my big shift, I turned away from city life and now live in harmony with nature in The Alps where I founded my company ‘Energy Of The Day’ and work as an energy healer and spiritual hypnotherapist, empowering my clients to reconnect with their true essence and live authentically.

My mission is to help others tune into their heart, expanding their awareness and encouraging lasting change towards a more conscious, connected and compassionate way of life. I work with love, respect, and empathy, challenging your views to increase self-awareness and connect with nature's cycles.

I am so excited to welcome you on board and I have a variety of technologies and techniques to share and assist you to truly change your game!

Love, love love.

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