Ashley Murray

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

For nearly 20 years I have found a sense of peace and healing through yoga, and I'm humbled to share this ancient and rich philosophy and way of life. By blending a Yogic Lifestyle with an off-grid lifestyle at Cara Creek Eco Lodge, I’ve realised that living Yogically and living sustainably are in fact one in the same. It's wonderful to share the practice in the space so immersed in nature with all those who come on retreat.

My intentions while teaching are to honour the traditions and philosophy of Yoga to the highest respect; to bridge the gap between the traditions and the Western way of life; to hold a safe and open space.

Yoga has allowed me to be a student for life. My practice never stops evolving. I feel grateful for all who have impacted my journey thus far and to those that will come - teachers, Gurus, students, family, friends, and most of all this upward, downward and ever moving beautiful human life experience.

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