
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Lariana is an extraordinary and well-experienced teacher of Lemurian energy with unique skills to connect you with your recources to remember the true essence of your being and step into your full potential.

The places, elements and animals she chooses for initiations reconnect you with your heart and your own natural power.
You learn how to hold such a powerul enrgyfield which makes it easy for you to quantum leap.
It has happened that after starting to work with her customers who never felt spiritual before had their third eye, all the chakras and kundalini opened. Out of Body experiences can easily happen through her high vibrational meditations.

Lariana is well aquainted with these situations and will securely guide you during these processes in a healing atmosphere for your mind, body and consciousness.

By her pure feminine and intuitive way she supports the quantum leap experiences created by your tiny space of heart.
If you are ready for your shift through your heart portal Lariana will guide you through this rollercoaster with pure LOVE and TRUTH.

You have the right teacher with her if you want to open up to your true essence and yet unknown or untrained abilities and possibilities. Lariana will also support you in altering your life in a way that supports your higher truth.

Don’t hesitate if you feel your calling to go ahead!

Abundance in all forms is a part of evolving and will always be there for the ones truly open to their heart. If you only want to open up your abilities to monetize them this is not your path.

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