
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Our Gentle Guide of Meditation with Horses
Ginebra is a full-bred Spanish horse celebrated for her exceptional gentle energy and her remarkable talent for holding space for our groups. As a central figure in the "Meditation with Horses" program, Ginebra's calming presence is a beacon of peace and clarity for many participants.

Although she was abandoned and had a tough life before she joined us, Ginebra's temperament has always been marked by her calm demeanor and sensitivity. Her natural inclination towards gentleness and understanding made her an ideal candidate for meditative and therapeutic practices. Ginebra has refined her ability to connect deeply with human emotions, making her a perfect partner for those on a journey towards mindfulness.

In the "Meditation with Horses" program, Ginebra's role is pivotal. Participants frequently describe their experiences with her as deeply moving, highlighting how her tranquil presence helps them achieve a state of mindfulness and emotional balance, especially during moments of stress. Ginebra's intuitive ability to hold space allows individuals to feel understood and supported, fostering a sense of calmness and resilience.

Ginebra's unique approach to interaction transcends traditional communication, teaching participants the importance of presence, empathy, and mutual respect.

Her favorite pastimes include peaceful walks through nature and soaking in the tranquility of her surroundings, which she generously shares with those who come to learn from her.

Ginebra's story highlights the powerful bond between horses and humans and the significant impact this connection can have on personal well-being. Through her gentle guidance and steadfast presence, Ginebra continues to help individuals find inner peace and a profound connection with the present moment during meditation sessions.

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