Hannah Nedas

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Hannah Nedas is a devoted Breathwork Facilitator.

Trained as an Oxygen Advantage Functional Breathing Instructor, she is deeply fascinated by the intricate connection between breath and the holistic well-being of the mind, heart, and body.

As the Co-director of Grounded Life and the Breathwork Facilitation Training program, Hannah not only brings her expertise to Breathing Space, where she has been involved since its inception, but also to Path of the Warrior trainings.

From an early age, Hannah has embarked on a journey with her voice, driven by a profound passion to help others explore the healing and transformative potential of their own voices. Specializing in medicine song and voice work, she enriches her holistic approach to breathwork and wellness by integrating voice and live sound with her offerings.

Residing amidst the tranquil landscapes of the South Downs region in the UK with her son, Caspian, Hannah ardently guides individuals and groups to tap into their breath and inner resources for enhanced emotional and physical well-being.

She firmly believes that the breath not only serves as the cornerstone of our existence but also empowers individuals to achieve improved health, heightened awareness, and profound connection when approached consciously.

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