Claudia Gallo

About the Teacher

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Claudia Gallo EYT-500

Claudia did her first 200 hrs yoga teacher training in India in 2011 and did her 300 hrs in New York with Yoga Works in 2017. She has deepened her studies and practices by taking workshops and other trainings around Southeast Asia and the US. Her vinyasa classes focus on proper alignment and intelligent transitions without neglecting the importance of breath and calming the mind. And her restorative classes are a blend of Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra, which allow participants to fully relax and thus experience a deep connection to their natural essence of peace, love and harmony. She reflects the love and passion she has for the practice of Yoga and is able to transmit that and touch the heart of the practitioner to look within.

Claudia is now in San Jose, teaching private classes and in studios in Santa Ana, and also organizes monthly yoga events mixing sound therapy, live music, cacao and intuitive dance.

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