Yakelin Zamata Huaman

About the Teacher

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Indigenus orgin:
Q'ero nation from the Antisuyo region.
Her Q'ero lineage is one of the ancient peoples of Tawantisuyo, the last ayllu descended from the Incas, and its highest spiritual authority is the Altomisayoc María Apaza Machaca, the mediator between the Apus and Pachamama. She is the only female Altomisayoc (spiritual priestess) of the Q’ero nation, and Yakelin is the granddaughter of Maria's eldest son.

Student at the Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Tupac Amaru Cusco, majoring in: Official Tour Guide in Tourism.

Spiritual experience:
Yakelin grew up near the Ausangate Glacier—considered the highest spiritual power spot, frequented by spiritual guides from all over Peru to recharge their energy—in a village without electricity, internet, running water, or any Western technology.

From a young age, she was taught by tribal elders and Mother Nature herself. She is the voice of the new generation, blending ancestral spirituality with the latest discoveries about her country’s history.

She is young, yet very outspoken, has her own opinions, and questions a lot, seeking answers through inquiry.

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